Metroid Dread - All Chozo Statues Locations

A guide on how to find all Chozo Statues in Metroid Dread. Included are basic information on Chozo Statues, where to find them, all locations on the map, and list of all Ability Upgrades obtained.

Metroid Dread - All Chozo Statues Locations

All Chozo Statues Locations

What are Chozo Statues?

Metroid Dread - All Chozo Statue Locations

Chozo Statues are monuments made by the Chozo race to observe sentient life on other planets like ZDR. As you go through the game, you will come across many of these statues that grant you various Ability Upgrades to improve your suit’s performance in and out of battle.

List of All Chozo Statues

Below is a list of all Chozo Statues in Metroid Dread, including their locations in each area of the game and Ability Upgrades obtained. Please note that we are still in the process of updating this page. New information will be added when the game comes out.


No. Location Ability Upgrade
1 Charge Beam (Power Beam)


No. Area Location


No. Area Location


No. Area Location


No. Area Location


No. Area Location

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