How to Level Up Fast in NieR Replicant Remaster
Leveling up increases NieR’s stats such as HP, MP, attack power, and magic power which improves his performance in battle. This makes enemy and boss encounters easier as you go through the game’s main story or when taking on more challenging content like the 15 Nightmares dungeons.
Below are the best methods to level up fast, including the best areas and enemies to farm in NieR Replicant Remaster Ver. 1.22474487139 during the first and second story routes.
First Story Route (Young NieR)
The best place to level up fast during the first story route is to farm the robots at the Junk Heap‘s first level. Note that the materials dropped by the enemies here can also be sold off to earn a good amount of gold very early on.
Second Story Route (Adult NieR)
Underground Facility
The Underground Facility’s basement level 2 (B2) area is a great area to earn experience fast after you have progressed to the second story route. This section of the game features many shade enemies that respawn after you exit B2 from the stairs and re-enter it. It is recommended to use magic, especially charged Black Whirlwind, to take out the groups of enemies quickly as you move through the area.
City Ruins (Revisit)
The Prologue‘s City Ruins area can be revisited after clearing the side quest The Magical Stone which only becomes accessible after you have obtained all 5 Key Fragments. Head to the Forest of Myth to access the City Ruins which pits you against many shade enemies. Do this as many times as you like to earn a large amount of experience.
Tips for Fast Leveling
Equip Words that increase the experience gained
Words that begin in “O” usually grant you increased experience after defeating enemies in battle. Be sure to have them equipped for faster leveling using the methods described above.
Words for Fast Leveling
Prefix | Type | Word Effect |
Ot | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +2% |
Otir | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +4% |
Otes | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +6% |
Otka | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +8% |
Otza | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +10% |
Otira | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +12% |
Otesra | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +15% |
Otzarr | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +25% |
Otzarken | For Weapons and Magic | Experience Rate +30% |
Other Strategy Guides

Getting Started
Game Controls | Difficulty Modes | Permanent Events |
Differences in the Remaster | Differences in Act I and II | Tips for Combat |
Stats Guide | Status Effects | Post-Game Unlockables |
New Game Plus | - | - |
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