NieR Replicant Remaster Ver.1.22474487139 - Status Effects Guide

Overview and guide about Status Effects in NieR Replicant Remaster Ver. 1.22474487139, including a description of each stat of NierR in the game.

NieR Replicant Remaster - Status Effects Guide

Stats Guide in NieR Replicant Remaster

NieR Replicant Remaster - Status Effects Guide

Here is a brief description of status effects in NieR Replicant Remaster Ver. 1.22474487139.

Status Effect Status Effect Description
Poison When affected by poison, HP continues to decrease until an antidote is applied.
Confuse Distracts opponent Shades from NieR, temporarily pauses magic attacks.
Weaken Temporarily weakens damaging capabilities.
Paralyze Temporarily paralyzes a Shade in place.
MP Drain Decreases Shade MP meters, lessening the frequency of their magic abilities.
HP Drain Decreases HP and makes opponents and Shades easier to defeat.

How to Inflict Status Effects

In order to deal status effects to enemies, NieR needs to equip Word buffs to his weapon, magic, or martial art. You can combine up two Words to enable a status effect.

Word Buff Guides

Example: If you choose to pair “Hoduloth” and “Solir” to a Kusanagi weapon, it will result into Hoduloth Solir Kusanagi weapon. The combined effects will result into Level 9 poisoning effect.

Word Buff List

Prefix Status Effect Type Word Effect
Ashures Poison For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Physical Defense +6%, Magic and Weapons: Poison
Kon Poison For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Magical Defense +2%, Magic and Weapons: Poison
Solir Poison For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts MP Recovery Rate +4%, Magic and Weapons: Poison
Ashurir Confuse For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Physical Defense +4%, Magic and Weapons: Confuse
Kones Confuse For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Magical Defense +6%, Magic and Weapons: Confuse
Sol Confuse For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts MP Recovery Rate +2%, Magic and Weapons: Confuse
Ashurka Weaken For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Physical Defense +8%, Magic and Weapons: Weaken
Konka Weaken For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Magical Defense +8%, Magic and Weapons: Weaken
Solka Weaken For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts MP Recovery Rate +8%, Magic and Weapons: Weaken
Ashur Paralyze For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Physical Defense +2%, Magic and Weapons: Paralyze
Konir Paralyze For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Magical Defense +4%, Magic and Weapons: Paralyze
Soles Paralyze For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts MP Recovery Rate +6%, Magic and Weapons: Paralyze
Ashurza MP Drain For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Physical Defense +10%, Magic and Weapons: Drain MP
Konza MP Drain For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Magical Defense +10%, Magic and Weapons: Drain MP
Solza MP Drain For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts MP Recovery Rate +10%, Magic and Weapons: Drain MP
Ashurira HP Drain For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Physical Defense +12%, Magic and Weapons: Drain HP
Konira HP Drain For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Magical Defense +12%, Magic and Weapons: Drain HP
Solira HP Drain For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts MP Recovery Rate +12%, Magic and Weapons: Drain HP
Hoduloth Knockback Resistance For Weapons, Magic, Martial Arts Knockback Resistance +30%, Magic and Weapons Level 9

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