Kagutsuchi Moon Phase Effects
What is Kagutsuchi?
Kagutsuchi is the silver moon constantly influencing a number of elements within the game world. The current state of Kagutsuchi (or moon phase) regularly changes and greatly affects gameplay both in and out of combat.
Moon Phase Cycle
Kagutsuchi undergoes a total of 16 moon phases and always starts off at a NEW moon state. After 4 phases, Kagutsuchi will reach a Half moon state. Progressing through 4 more phases (for a total of 8) results in a Full moon phase. Afterwards, Kagutsuchi’s moon state will begin to “power down” within 8 more phases, ending in a New moon state again and completing the 16-phase cycle.
Moon Phase Progression
The Moon Phase advances one phase every 5 second when exploring the 3D dungeons and one phase every second when out on the 2D field. Keep this in mind when trying to take advantage of mechanics affected by Kagutsuchi’s current state.
Gameplay Changes Based on the Moon Phase
Gameplay elements affected by the Moon Phase of Kagutsuchi are listed below.
- Escaping from encounters is harder during a Full moon phase
- Normal conversations is disabled during a Full moon phase
- The further the moon phase is to Full, the higher the chance of getting rare items in Mystical Chests
- Special events will only trigger during a Full moon phase
- Effectiveness of certain skills change based on the current moon phase
- Certain demons can only be fused during specific moon phases
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