Sha Gehma Shrine Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Sha Gehma Shrine.

Sha Gehma Shrine Walkthrough – Shift and Lock

When you enter Sha Gehma Shrine, you’ll hear the monk give you the theme. And for his shrine, the theme is “Shift and Lock”. This means one thing: you’ll need Magnesis to move something and lock it in place.

For the start, head up the ramp in front of you. When you reach the top, go up to the second walkway. After getting there, you’ll have a clear view of the metal cube and the treasure chest underneath. Use Magnesis to lift the cube above the level and place it where the moving platforms are. Once the moving platforms are underneath the cube, drop the cube. After that, switch to the Stasis rune and lock the platform in place. When you do so, jump down to the treasure chest and open it to find a Small Key.

After grabbing that, go up to the top walkway. When you do so, jump down to the second treasure chest to find a Royal Broadsword.

After that, drop down again. When you do, you’ll find yourself in front of the gate. Use the key to open the gate. After doing so, walk towards the altar to claim the Spirit Orb from Sha Gehma.

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