Dream Pieces
Note that this section will be updated when new information is revealed.
Dream Pieces are used for synthesizing spirits to help you fight in battle. Shadows drop these items when defeated. Some of the items they dropped can be used to synthesize into better spirits and bring them to life. When synthesized together, they form better and newer spirits to join your party.
For example, in synthesizing a Pegaslick, you can use 4 Lofty Fancies and 8 Fleeting Figments to create a Rank D Pegaslick. Another combination such as 4 Lofty Fantasies and 1 Brilliant Fantasy make a Rank -A Pegaslick.
Guide to Dream Pieces
Item Name | Description | Buying Normal (Left) Sale (Right) |
Selling Price | |
Fleeting Figment | A common material that brings Spirits to life. Energy swirls about inside faster than the eye can see. | 150 | 120 | 75 |
Fleeting Fancy | A superior material that brings Spirits to life. Energy swirls about inside faster than the eye can see. | 300 | 240 | 150 |
Fleeting Fantasy | A rare material that brings Spirits to life. Energy swirls about inside faster than the eye can see. | – | 800 | 500 |
Lofty Figment | A common material that brings Spirits to life. It feels light and is trying to get back to the sky. | 100 | 80 | 50 |
Lofty Fancy | A superior material that brings Spirits to life. It feels light and is trying to get back to the sky. | 400 | 320 | 200 |
Lofty Fantasy | A rare material that brings Spirits to life. It feels light and is trying to get back to the sky. | – | – | 400 |
Rampant Figment | A common material that brings Spirits to life. It bounces around as if it can’t wait to be free. | 50 | 40 | 25 |
Rampant Fancy | A superior material that brings Spirits to life. It bounces around as if it can’t wait to be free. | 200 | 100 | 100 |
Rampant Fantasy | A rare material that brings Spirits to life. It bounces around as if it can’t wait to be free. | – | 400 | 250 |
Dulcet Figment | A common material that brings Spirits to life. It hums with a strangely beautiful energy. | 100 | 80 | 50 |
Dulcet Fancy | A superior material that brings Spirits to life. It hums with a strangely beautiful energy. | 400 | 320 | 200 |
Dulcet Fantasy | A rare material that brings Spirits to life. It hums with a strangely beautiful energy. | – | 800 | 500 |
Malleable Fantasy | A precious material that brings Spirits to life. It feels soft and firm at the same time. | – | – | 1000 |
Prickly Fantasy | A precious material that brings Spirits to life. Don’t squeeze it too hard. | – | – | 1000 |
Wild Fantasy | A precious material that brings Spirits to life. The energy wants to break loose! | – | – | 1000 |
Epic Fantasy | A precious material that brings Spirits to life. Great power begins with small dreams. | – | – | 1000 |
Charming Fantasy | A precious material that brings Spirits to life. Pure, unadulterated cuteness | – | – | 1000 |
Brilliant Fantasy | A precious material that brings Spirits to life. Use sunglasses when looking at it. | – | – | 1000 |
Intrepid Fragment | A common material that brings Spirits to life. Just touching it feels difference. | 50 | 40 | 25 |
Intrepid Fancy | A superior material that brings Spirits to life. Just touching it feels difference. | 400 | 320 | 200 |
Intrepid Fantasy | A rare material that brings Spirits to life. Just touching it feels difference. | – | 800 | 500 |
Savage Fantasy | A rare material used to bring Spirits to life. Whatever energy lurks inside longs to do harm. | 2000 | 1600 | 1000 |
Noble Figment | A common material that brings Spirits to life. Just looking at it fills you with purpose. | 100 | 80 | 50 |
Noble Fancy | A rare material that brings Spirits to life. Just looking at it fills you with purpose. | 200 | 160 | 100 |
Noble Fantasy | A superior material that brings Spirits to life. Just looking at it fills you with purpose. | – | 640 | 400 |
Grim Figment | A common material used to bring Spirits to life. It is unyielding and cool to the touch. | 50 | 40 | 25 |
Grim Fancy | A superior material used to bring Spirits to life. It is unyielding and cool to the touch. | 300 | 240 | 150 |
Grim Fantasy | A rare material used to bring Spirits to life. It is unyielding and cool to the touch. | 300 | 240 | 150 |
Vibrant Figment | An common material used to bring Spirits to life. Hold its light close, and you’ll feel right as rain. | 50 | 40 | 25 |
Vibrant Fancy | A superior material used to bring Spirits to life. Hold its light close, and you’ll feel right as rain. | 200 | 160 | 100 |
Vibrant Fantasy | A rare material used to bring Spirits to life. Hold its light close, and you’ll feel right as rain. | |||
Troubling Figment | A common material used to bring Spirits to life.It feels heavy, as though something is dragging it down. | |||
Troubling Fancy | A superior material used to bring Spirits to life. It feels heavy, as though something is dragging it down. | 100 | 80 | 50 |
Trouble Fantasy | A rare material used to bring Spirits to life. It feels heavy, as though something is dragging it down. | – | 400 | 250 |
Wondrous Figment | A common material used to bring Spirits to life. It hums with a strangely beautiful energy. | 150 | 120 | 75 |
Wondrous Fancy | A superior material used to bring Spirits to life. It hums with a strangely beautiful energy. | 300 | 240 | 150 |
Wondrous Fantasy | A rare material used to bring Spirits to life. It hums with a strangely beautiful energy. | 400 | 320 | 200 |
Dream Pieces need to be farmed!
When it comes to dream pieces, it takes a lot of farming especially when you’re trying to create a powerful spirit. Different fragments respond to different spirits which means different powers. However, some of the dream pieces are hard to find. And the only way to do it, is to keep going after Shadows. After all, that is the duty of the Keyblade wielder.
This table summarizes the different Dream Pieces dropped by Dream Eaters
Dream Eater Name | Dropped by |
Aura Lion | Intrepid Fantasy Intrepid Fancy |
Cera Terror | Grim Fantasy Intrepid Fancy |
Chef Kyroo | Wondrous Fancy Wondrous Figment |
Cyber Yog | Grim Figment Noble Figment |
Drak Quack | Wondrous Fantasy Rampant Fancy |
Drill Sye | Noble Figment Rampant Figment |
Ducky Goose | Dulcet Fancy Wondrous Fancy |
Eaglider | Vibrant Figment Lofty Figment |
Electricorn | Fleeting Fancy Fleeting Figment |
Escarglow | Fleeting Figment Grim Figment |
Fin Fatale | Rampant Fancy Grim Figment |
Fishbone | Noble Fancy Wondrous Fancy |
FlowberMeow | Rampant Figment Malleable Fantasy |
Ghostabocky | Wondrous Fantasy Troubling Figment |
Halibird | Lofty Fancy Vibrant Fancy |
Hebby Repp | Intrepid Figment Troubling Figment |
Iceguin Ace | Rampant Figment Rampant Fantasy |
Jestabocky | Vibrant Fancy Wondrous Figment |
Keeba Tiger | Intrepid Fantasy Dulcet Fancy |
KO Kabuto | Noble Figment Fleeting Figment |
Komory Bat | Troubling Figment Rampant Figment |
Kooma Panda | Vibrant Figment Intrepid Figment |
Majik Lapin | Fleeting Fancy Dulcet Fantasy |
Me Me Bunny | Intrepid Fancy Fleeting Figment |
Meow Wow | Vibrant Figment Rampant Figment |
Necho Cat | Dulcet Figment Troubling Figment |
Peepsta Hoo | Wondrous Figment Troubling Figment |
Pegaslick | Lofty Fancy Fleeting Fancy |
Pricklemane | Intrepid Figment Vibrant Figment |
Ryu Dragon | Lofty Fancy Savage Fantasy |
Sir Kyroo | Noble Fancy Noble Figment |
Skelterwild | Grim Fantasy Savage Fantasy |
Staggerceps | Grim Fancy Grim Figment |
Tama Sheep | Vibrant Figment Grim Figment |
Tatsu Blaze | Grim Fancy Lofty Figment |
Tatsu Steed | Lofty Figment Dulcet Figment |
Thunderaffe | Fleeting Fancy Fleeting Figment |
Toximander | Troubling Figment Troubling Fancy |
Tyrano Rex | Wondrous Fancy Intrepid Fantasy |
Wheeflower | Lofty Figment Troubling Fancy |
Woeflower | Lofty Figment Troubling Fancy |
Yoggy Ram | Vibrant Figment Grim Figment |
Zolephant | Noble Figment Intrepid Figment |