Dako Tah Shrine Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This page contains a detailed guide on how to complete the Dako Tah Shrine, including locations, enemies, items and strategy.

Dako Tah Shrine Walkthrough

Dako Tah Shrine is found on a small rock plateau just north of the Gerudo Desert. It is only a short ways to the southeast of Gerudo Tower. You can initiate the shrine quest if you talk to Nobiro. You’ll find him at Kara Kara Bazaar on the west section of the outpost. He hangs out at an elevated overlook towards the direction of the shrine itself.

After you enter the shrine, proceed along the hallways until you come to the room with the electric cube. You’ll need to defeat the Guardian Scout you’ll meet on the way. Hop on the moving platform and use Magnesis to get the electric cube. While you’re still on the moving platform, make sure that the cube is near the electric cable until you make it back again on the side you came from.

Next, head on to the platform with the orange crystal. You need to set the cube close to it by using Magnesis. Most of the time, it might be easier to carry the cube above your head than with Magnesis.

You can try to open the treasure chest on the upper floor as you go up by moving the cube away from the crystal. Then, activate the crystal again using the cube and proceed to the top of the area.

You’ll soon arrive at the upper platform. You’ll see some metal slabs below where you need to drop the cube. This will kill the two Guardian Scouts there by frying them with electricity. Use Magnesis to lift the cube again and set it up somewhere safe, then go down. You can open a treasure chest here. You’ll then need to push the large metal cube away to reveal another path. Take the electric cube and head for the moving platform at the other end.

As you get to the ramp, put down the electric cube and walk down the slope to the right. You can hit the crystal to operate a moving platform there. This will lead to a hidden treasure chest. Open it, then continue going up.

You’ll now be able to carry the electric cube to the top where the shrine is on the elevator. Set the electric cube on the pedestal there. This will activate another moving platform that you need to get on. Once you’re on the platform, look out for when you can reach the large metal cube with Magnesis. Push it backwards and you should be able to get to the altar.

While you can finish the shrine quest now, you’d miss out on anther chest in the area. Once you’re past the right angle, wait on the moving platform. Then, turn around and pull the metal cube on the left that allows you to get to the last treasure chest (just as the moving platform goes back to where the electric cube is).

Collect the treasure, then hop back on the platform and head to the altar.

You’ll obtain a Spirit Orb after completing the quest.

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