Keo Ruug Shrine Walkthrough [Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Keo Ruug Shrine.

Keo Ruug Shrine Walkthrough – Fateful Stairs

For Keo Ruug shrine, you’ll notice a large amount of sphere receptacles on either side. There’s an inscription on the stairs above that reads:

Look to the stars for guidance.

This pretty much means that the constellations are key. Fit the spheres on both sides into the receptacles. However, it’s not just that. You’ll also have to match the constellations scattered across the wall. But the next question now is – which one?

If you check the group of receptacles on the left, count the amount of torches. There’s one torch, two torches, and etc. But you only have two spheres on the side. Check the number of columns. There are two columns with five rows each. Check the two constellations on the wall in front of you. That’s the clue you’re going to need. Each of the columns have a constellation in front of it. Four appear on the far wall but in different amounts. Count how many times a constellation appears. When you’re done counting, place the sphere on the receptacle with the right amount of torches next to it.

When you’re done with that, place the first sphere in the slot for the five torches. After that, place the second sphere in the slot for three torches. For the third sphere, place it in the slot for one torch. And finally, the fourth sphere is in the slot for two torches. With that, the gate opens and leads you to the monk – Keo Ruug.

Before anything however, turn and look right down the stairs. You’ll notice a second sealed gate but there’s more constellations here. Go back and re-order the spheres in this new order. First sphere goes into the four torches. Second sphere goes to the two torches and third goes for the two torches. Finally, the fourth sphere goes into the slot for the one torch. This opens the gate that leads to a chest holding a Knight’s Claymore.

With that, you’re done. Now, approach Monk Keo Ruug to claim your next Spirit Orb.

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