Medicinal Molduga Side Quest Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

Medicinal Molduga

To start the Medicinal Molduga side quest, talk to Malena who is usually found in the courtyard where soldiers are training (west of Gerudo Town). Malena can also be found in front of Riju’s mansion.

She will ask you to get Molduga Guts, so you need to find the powerful Molduga sub-boss around the perimeters of Gerudo Town. One Molduga can be found roaming around Toruma Dunes (west of Gerudo Town).

To defeat the sub-boss, stand on a rock or a ledge because as it is much safer to fight it if you are not standing on sand. Throw a bomb in its direction, and when it is close to the bomb and it is ready to swallow it, detonate the bomb. Repeat this process until it is defeated. Collect its loot then return to Malena and she will give you a Gold Rupee.

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