The Road to Respect Side Quest Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

The Road to Respect

To start The Road to Respect side quest, talk to Fugo in Goron City. He will ask you to defeat the Igneo Talus at Darunia Lake (northwest of Goron City).

Head northwest and reach the shore of Darunia Lake (west of Isle of Rabac). During the battle against the Igneo Talus, freeze the creature with any ice-infused weapon or arrow to cool its magma-covered body down, then make it collapse on itself by detonating a bomb close to it and continue with a barrage of attacks before it gets up. Repeat this process until you defeat it.

After defeating the monster, speak to Fugo again and he will give you a Silver Rupee.

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  1. A more effective strategy is to climb on top of Igneo Talis while he’s stunned and use a rock hammer on the mineral deposit on top of him.