Sha Warvo Shrine Walkthrough [Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Sha Warvo Shrine.

Sha Warvo Shrine Walkthrough – Path of Hidden Flights

Sha Warvo Shrine looks simple. But it’s actually not. A long hall leads to a pit with a gust of wind going up. Look up, there are more platforms high above you. You’ll need to glide up with the help of the wind gusts.

Run down the platform for  the first gust. Jump while paragliding to boost up to the next platform. From there, there are two platforms higher up. Head to the one on the right to continue on.

Before you do, there’s a small platform on the left. On it, there’s a chest with a lone Guardian Scout guarding it. Take him out and grab the Purple Rupee from the chest.

When you’re done with that area, look up from the next platform. There’s a small moving platform above you leading to a ladder. But you’ll need to land it right to get to the platform. And don’t miss but, it moves back and forth. Climb the ladder to the next platform. There, take off from the gust of air. Bur you’ll realize that you’re not gonna reach. Instead, drop down and fly around the pillar. There’s a hidden entry along the back of the pillar. inside, there’s another gust of wind that’ll take you to the top.

After doing so, look off to the side. There’s a tiny platform in the distance with a chest. Using the boost you got from the pillar, glide over to grab the Knight’s Bow.

With that, head to the top of the pillar. Use the gust from the middle and reach Monk Sha Warvo. Speak to him and claim your Spirit Orb.

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