Shada Naw Shrine Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Shada Naw Shrine.

Shada Naw Shrine Walkthrough

When you enter Shada Naw shrine, grab the only chest out of the way using Magnesis. With that, you can pull it back to you. While you’re at it, pull out the block hidden in the wall. It’s near the enclosure with the concave slot. After that, drop the metal block right on top of it.

After that, you’re next goal is to reach the upper platform. However to start this, stand on the two floor files with glowing squares on them. It’s right in front of your starting position. And you have to stay there until the orb reaches the concave slot.

However, there’s another way to solve this. Drop the orb in front of the fan at the bottom of the nearby slope. There, the fans will push the orbs all the way to the concave slot. However, this assumes that you time the act of doing. That way, the orb passes on the moving platform when it bridges the two ledges. While this can work, there’s another easy option.

If you do the alternative method, it consists of manually walking with the orb inside the enclosure with the concave slot. Drop the orb on the flat surface. Then, cast Stasis on it and then – hit three or four times with a swift weapon. In doing so, the orb rolls up the slope once the Stasis effect ends. After that, it rolls back down and ultimately enter the slot. However, this should give you ample time to stand on the tiles with the glowing squares. Once at the top of the structure, you’ll find yourself a few steps away from the altar.

Then, walk up to the altar and talk to Shada Naw to grab your Spirit Orb.

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