Shard of the Dragon Fang Locations
The Dragon Fang is a material in Breath of the Wild. One of the uses of these items is for Upgrading certain Armor pieces.
This summarizes the three locations of the Dragon Fang in Hyrule Castle.
Shard of Naydra’s Fang

Where to Obtain | Guard’s Chamber |
Hyrule Castle |
Main article: Destroy Ganon West Passage – Guard’s Chamber
Start at the peak of the mountain near the water reservoir. Use the paraglider to hasten the process, passing through the rampart to find another rocky terrain. Descend again with the paraglider to see the Hyrule Castle in a distance. Keep going to find the some mountain edges to scale and eventually you will face the Waterfall. Use the zora gear to ascend the two consecutive waterfalls. After the second waterfall, bring the paraglider and glide to the right and land to the castle grounds.
Enter the first open gate, then summon the Cryonis beneath the next to pass through. Ascend the flight of steps, avoiding the malice goo that you pass along the way and turn left. Pass through the hall then turn left and descend the steps to get to the Guard’s Chamber. As you reach the landing, check the side of the steps to find a passage covered by draping red leaves. This conveniently tucked room has a lone chest containing the first shard of the dragon.
Shard of Dinraal’s Fang

Where to Obtain | Guard’s Chamber |
Hyrule Castle |
Main article: Destroy Ganon West Passage – Shaft
Begin near the edge of the hill, facing the Hyrule Castle Moat. Release the paraglider, then immediately grab onto the edge and scale it to take your first step on the castle’s outer layer. Head through the passage embellished with light green stones. Look to your right to find a gate covered in a puddle, use the Cryonis to open a path to the Lockup.
Head to the third cell on the left beyond the rubble to arrive at a partially dim passage lined by single torches. Follow the path, ignoring the Malice goo that has spread on your right. When you reach a dead end where the goo meets with the waterfall, borrow Revali’s power to summon a gust from below to send you flying. Immediately pause halfway through to squeeze into the passage connected by a ladder. Inside the room, place a Remote Bomb Rune on the damaged section of the wall. The impact should spread onto the Lizalfos nearby, strike it quickly to prevent it from retaliating. With the coast clear, examine the chest for the second shard of the dragon fang.
Shard of Farosh’s Fang

Where to Obtain | Guard’s Chamber |
Hyrule Castle |
Check the map and position yourself about 1 o’clock from the Hyrule Castle Grounds. Call upon Revali to paraglide higher than what the high precipice offers. The gust should carry you safely to an archway connecting to the castle’s underground East Passage.
Follow the trail, lined up with the cart railing. It will direct you to a vast open land, arm your Bow and use the Bomb Arrow and blast the Stone Talus, whenever it kneels down, attack its weak point. Once its perishes, an updraft will appear allowing you to ride upon it. Pay attention to the left edge to find an indentation with a chest resting on top. Open the chest to find the last material, the Shard of Farosh’s Fang.
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