Twilight of Edo Japan Zero Kills Guide for Live A Live Remake
Below is a guide on how to clear the Twilight of Edo Japan chapter (Oboromaru‘s scenario) without killing any human enemies in Live A Live Remake (Live A Live 2022 HD-2D Remaster). Doing so allows you to obtain Yoshiyuki, a special sword that boasts 40 attack power and can paralyze foes on hit.
Live A Live Remake Twilight of Edo Japan Chapter 1 Walkthrough
Zero Kills Mechanics
Enemies You Can Kill
For the 0 kills run during Oboromaru’s story section, you must not kill any human enemies throughout the chapter. This includes all Manservants, Maids, Ronin, Samurai, Retainers, and Ninjas. Doing so will immediately prevent you from obtaining Yoshiyuki at the end of the game. All non-human enemies like Lost Souls, Flame/Gas/Ice Contraptions, and Icons can be defeated without any negative effects on the challenge.
Bosses such as Puppetmaster Gennai, Miyamoto Musashi, Yodogimi, and Ode Lou (his regular and frog-snake form) can also be killed to get Yoshiyuki at the end of the chapter as they do not count as human enemies.
How to Level Up Without Killing Human Enemies
Since it is generally recommended to be at least level 10 to clear the chapter without any problems, you may want to grind a few levels while exploring Ode Lou’s fortress.
To do so, you should head into the storehouse northeast of the second fortress building and farm the three Lost Souls (spirits) there for some experience. Do this until you are around level 6 to learn Shuriken Storm before proceeding further.
Zero Kills Walkthrough
1 | Use Shadowed Self to get past the first pair of guards and enter the first castle building (if you initiate combat, just escape). |
2 | After the cutscene with the captain and the samurai guards, head right and enter the last room. Get Chainmail x1 from the chest. |
3 | Exit the room and go left past the two rooms. Enter the door and go north past the Ronin here. Then, exit the building through the large door ahead. |
4 | Head left past another Ronin and head for the second building entrance. Give the password to go in. |
5 | Move forward and enter the room at the end on the right (avoid the Ronin in the hall). |
6 | Follow the Ninja through the revolving door and talk to him. Then, investigate the attic. |
7 | Watch the cutscene with Papa Rat and Little Rat. Open two chests to the south and one to the west to get some items, including Koban x1. |
8 | Exit to the northwest and an enemy ninja will appear (Soaring Ibis). Quickly use Shadowed Self to hide and take the exit on your left (if you initiate combat, just flee). |
9 | Move along the rooftops going left and as it comes around to the right. Then, jump over the gap ahead. Once you reach an attic, you will see a rat inside that will fall through a trapdoor in the middle of the room. Avoid this trapdoor as it takes you back into the level’s entrance and head for the exit on the right. |
10 | Once outside again, continue following the rooftop path going right until it goes up the wooden stairs. Continue following the rooftop path as it stars to go around to the left until you reach another attic. Open the chests to get a Slice of Castella Cake and the Storehouse Key. |
11 | Exit the attic the way you came and backtrack to the first attic with the trapdoor in the middle of the room. You now want to fall through the trapdoor so do so now. |
12 | Back at the starting area, proceed again through the level until you reach the entrance of the second building (the one where you were asked for a password). Instead of approaching the guards, head downstairs to the lower left and use the Storehouse Key to enter the building. Approach the chest but quickly use Shadowed Self to hide from the ninja that drops down behind you. Wait for him to look away and open the chest to get the Dungeon Key. |
13 | Exit the building and head inside the second building again. From here, you want to go forward and go left. Enter the leftmost door and keep going straight past the Maids. Exit through the door to the north. You will then reach a short hall that spans across to the right with a large door to the north. Go right and enter the room at the very end. Pick up a Slice of Castella Cake x2 from the chests. |
14 | Leave the room and exit through the large door to the north. |
15 | Once outside, go up the stairs through the castle’s gate. Then, head right and cross the bridge. Follow the path until you reach another storehouse. Use the Storehouse Key again to go inside. Here, you can pick up Ode Shuriken x1, Izanagi Scroll x1, Koban x1, Genji Tabi x1, Shrimp Rice Ball x2, and Topknot x1. There are also three Lost Soul spirits here that you can farm for levels (since they are not human, they will not affect your 0 kill run). Enter and exit the building to make them respawn. Try to reach at least level 6 to learn Shuriken Storm. Do not attack the woman here as this will cause the Lost Soul to stop respawning. |
16 | Backtrack all the way to the attic where you encountered Papa Rat and Little Rat and head to the rooftops. |
17 | Move along the rooftop path again until you reach the attic where you got the Storehouse Key. This time, exit through the door on the upper left. |
18 | The next area has a mini puzzle that you need to solve. |
19 | Move north and take a left at the fork. When you see a switch to the south, flip it.
Then, keep going left until you reach the southwest corner of the area. From here, go north and ride the conveyor belt north. Instead of riding the next conveyor belt north, head right and right the conveyor belt going to the right. From where you end up, go north and ride another conveyor to your right going right. You should see a switch south of you so flip it. From here, ride the conveyors on your right back to the first fork you came to when you first entered this puzzle area. Turn left at the fork again and move all the way to the southwest corner (again). Go north. Instead of going north again like before, go right ride the conveyor down south to reach another switch you can flip. Afterwards, ride the short conveyor belt going left and you are back at the outer left side of the area again. From here, go all the way north to reach another switch you can flip at the northwest corner of the puzzle area. There is also a chest here that contains Grappling Hook. Head all the way back to the southwest corner and then go right. Then, head up to the conveyor belt going to the large pit in the middle and attach a grappling hook at the grapple point in the middle. Cross the wire and go left to the switch at the other side of the large pit. Flip it and then go all the way north to the ladder. Climb down to the next area. |
20 | Go up the stairs on the left. In the next area, climb the ladder on the lower left side. |
21 | In this attic area, head east while avoiding the trap doors. Open the chest on the northeast corner to get Fudo-Myoo’s Fuda. |
22 | Head back west and go south. Then, let yourself drop down the wide pit that appears and disappears. |
23 | When you land in the cell, use the Dungeon Key to get out (alternatively, you can just use Shadowed Self to disappear which causes the guard to open the cell for you). |
24 | After getting out (avoid the enemies) go to the exit to the west and go up the stairs. Keep going until you reach a small room with a Retainer sitting in the corner. Open the chest next to him to get Kotetsu and equip it. |
25 | Exit through the door to the southwest. At the hall go to the south exit. |
26 | In the next area, go east past the guards patrolling the corridor and enter the door at the very end. |
27 | Go north through the hall and exit through the door. In the next area, enter the first room from the right. You will see a person (Cogsman) pass through the door on the left that connects to the next room. When you try to follow him, he will summon some wooden pillars, initiating a battle. Use Fireflies Wake to take out the pillars and then take down the Cogsman. After the battle, pass through the door on the left and go up the stairs. |
28 | On the second floor, go south and enter the door on the lower right corner. In this room, get Kanesada from the wall and Ode Shuriken from the chest. One of the jars has Tenmusu. |
29 | Exit the room and go through the door to the south. |
30 | Go south through the series of doors (just go through the first door) and then immediately move through the revolving door to the west. |
31 | Head north through the revolving door and climb a ladder on the left. You will be back at the attic where you fell from before. |
32 | Go south and avoid the holes this time. At the southwest corner is Shinobi Gauntlet (be careful not to fall through any of the holes). Then go east. |
33 | Climb the ladder at the southeast corner. After dropping down head for the stairs. In the next area, do not go up the ladder yet. Instead, go right and into the revolving door at the end to the north. |
34 | In the next area, head right again and go to another revolving door at the end to the south. |
35 | Talk to the old man here who will tell you that you have not killed anyone so far. You will get Slice of Castella Cake x10. |
36 | Exit through the door to the south. At the corridor, head inside the next large room to your right. Get Fudo-Myoo’s Fuda and Fujin’s Scroll. |
37 | Leave the room and go up the stairs on the right. Then, head left and enter the door. |
38 | Head left along the corridor and exit through the revolving door at the end to the north. Follow the straight path north to another revolving door. |
39 | In the next area, climb up the ladder to reach the attic another attic. |
40 | Head south and take out the enemies here (just kill the Cogsman with Shuriken Storm and the mobs will also die). |
41 | Pick up Genji Armor on the southwest corner and equip it. Then, head right and take out the Icons (focus on the Shura Icon and the mobs will also die, similar to the Contraptions and the Cogsman). |
42 | Head down the ladder on the southeast corner. Then, enter the large door. |
43 | This is Puppetmaster Gennai’s tea room. Approach the door to the north and talk to Gennai. Keep talking to him (and tell him you do not trust him). |
44 | Prepare to battle Puppetmaster Gennai. |
45 | During the battle, you should take out Gennai’s Electrode minions first before focusing on him (if you do this, he will drop the Mainspring, a key item you need to recruit the optional character O-Robo). Stand a good distance away from the enemies and use Shuriken Storm to pick them off. |
46 | Once the Electrodes are defeated, focus on Gennai. Simply attack up close and he should drop the Mainspring upon defeat. |
47 | Afterwards, leave the tea room from where you came and climb back up the ladder. |
48 | Back at the attic, go northwest back to the other ladder. Climb down and head down the stairs. |
49 | In the next area, climb the ladder on the left. Head east in this attic area and get Grappling Hook from the chest. Then, head southwest to get Genji Helm. |
50 | Head east and climb down the ladder. Then, exit through the door to the south. |
51 | Climb up the ladder on the right. Back in this attic area, go northeast to get Fuma Shuriken. Then, head northwest and climb down the ladder. |
52 | Go down the stairs on the upper right and climb up the ladder on the right. You will be back at the conveyor belt puzzle area. Head right to get Fujin Scroll. |
53 | Then, go around the northeast corner and then south (you will notice that you are backtracking now). Exit to the southeast passage. |
54 | You will now be back at the small attic where you got the Storehouse Key. Exit to the right and backtrack along the rooftop path. |
55 | Follow the path back until you see a wooden platform sticking out to the left. Get on the platform and jump down onto the tree. |
56 | After coming down, approach the stone lantern and examine it. This will open the entrance to the Path of Shuttered Lanterns. |
57 | Follow the linear path and you should come out into the open again. Go into the water and go left. When you reach land again, go up the stairs and climb the tree. Follow the linear path through the wrecked building and up some stairs. |
58 | Go into the water again. Moving north along the water (ignore the large shadow in the water and the ninjas swimming around). |
59 | When you reach a door, go in. Then, follow the path up the stairs to reach the next area. |
60 | Inside is the lower prison block. Head left to the last cell and get Koban x1 inside. Then, open the cell where a red ninja is locked up using the Dungeon Key (avoid the guard). |
61 | Talk to him and he will introduce himself as Goemon. Let him go and he will thank you before leaving. |
62 | At this point, Goemon will replenish many chests throughout the level (but not all). |
63 | Exit the prison block through the revolving door on the right. Re-enter the prison block and open the chest in the cell next to where Goemon was to get another Koban x1. |
64 | Now, go up the stairs on the right and then head to the exit on the left. You will need to get back to Gennai’s tea room to recruit O-Robo now. |
65 | Once you reach the upper prison block, head left and exit through the passage at the end. |
66 | Go up the stairs until you reach the small room with the Retainer again from before. |
67 | Exit to the south until you reach the area with lots of patrolling guards to the right. Go past them and enter the door at the end to the right. |
68 | Go north and exit through the door. In the familiar corridor, enter the first room (first from the right – this is the one from before that is connected to another room via revolving door). Pass through the revolving door on the left and go up the stairs. |
69 | After climbing up the stairs, take the exit to the south. You should be back at the area with the series of doors going south. Go through one door and head left through the revolving door. |
70 | Go north through another revolving door. Then, go up the ladder on the left. |
71 | In the attic area again, head southeast and climb down the ladder. Then, go up the stairs on the left. |
72 | From here, do not take the ladder ahead. Go left instead and go through the revolving door at the end to the north. In the next corridor, go left and exit through the revolving door at the end to the south. You should be back at the room with the old man that gave you Slice of Castella Cake x10 for not killing anyone. |
73 | Exit through the door to the south and go up the stairs at the end to your right. |
74 | Go left through the door. In the short corridor, go left and enter the revolving door at the end to the north. |
75 | Go north and exit through another revolving door. Climb the ladder to return to the attic area. |
76 | From here, just go southeast to another ladder and climb down. You should be in front of Gennai’s tea room again. |
77 | Head inside the room where Gennai was hiding before. Approach the slot by the northeast corner of the room and insert 3 Koban. This will the tea room to change. |
78 | Head back to the team room and approach the body in the middle. Insert the Mainspring and prepare to battle O-Robo. He should not pose much of a challenge at this point so take him out with a strong attack like Wind Slash. |
79 | After O-Robo joins you, avoid stepping on the spot where O-Robo was standing when he attacked you (it is a trap door that will cause him to fall and get destroyed). |
80 | Back at the room where Gennai was hiding, approach the slot on the wall again (do not step on the blue pillow). Insert 1 Koban to turn the tea room back to its original state. |
81 | From here, feel free to do some exploring if you want to grab more items in the level (exit through the tea room’s entrance and back up the ladder to the attic). You may want to backtrack to the Path of Shuttered Lanterns to battle Majin Ryunosuke (an optional boss) to get Muramasa (weapon) from him now that you have O-Robo to help you. You can also go into the water again and approach the large shadow to fight Lord Iwama to get the Suijin Scale (accessory). Note that O-Robo will not be able to join you for that fight as he will not survive moving underwater for too long. |
82 | When you are ready, head back to the room where Gennai was hiding and go through the door to the north. |
83 | In the next area go up the stairs. Then, go south. A rat here will cause O-Robo to malfunction if he is still with you and he will permanently leave the party. |
84 | Go inside the large room in front of O-Robo. |
85 | Watch the cutscene. Then, equip Ryoma with any good gear you have acquired thus far. Afterwards, approach the spirit to battle Miyamoto Musashi. |
86 | Have Ryoma engage Musashi up close using Polaris Single-Blade to chip away at his HP. Oboromaru, meanwhile, should avoid standing next to the boss. Instead, try to position him diagonal below or above and use Wind Slash or Ninja Strength. Heal Ryoma if you need to and Musashi should go down eventually. |
87 | Afterwards, approach the shutter where Lord Ode Lou fled and follow the path. |
89 | As you come up the stairs, Yodogimi will attack you. Simply use the same strategy as the one against Musashi and she should go down fairly easily as well. |
89 | After defeating Yodogimi, continue up the stairs. Approach the large door and a Maid will give you Maid’s Obi. Stand still for a moment and the Maid will scream. She will then give you Medicine Box. |
90 | Enter the large door and prepare to battle Lord Ode Lou. He should not be too hard. Simply wail on him with your strongest attacks until he is defeated. |
91 | Watch the cutscene. Afterwards prepare to battle Ode Lou again in his Frogsnake demon form. |
92 | Have Ryoma use Polaris Single Blade to damage the final boss up close. Oboromaru should attack with Ninja Strength and Wind Slash from the back. As much as possible, you want to avoid standing diagonally from the Ode Lou to avoid his Drink Blood attack which heals him. Use Fireflies Wake or Water Arts when the final boss transforms the tiles to poison as well. Do not hesitate to use items like Slice of Castella Cake or Izanagi Scroll when your HP is low. |
93 | Once Ode Lou is defeated, watch the cutscene. Afterwards, you will get Yoshiyuki from Ryoma if you successfully cleared the chapter without killing any human enemies. |
94 | Watch the ending. |
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I’m very annoyed by this walkthrough. You said that the mimic will be destroyed in water if you decide to fight the big fish, it didn’t say that if this happens you will not be able to complete the no-kill run. I saw that the mimic was going to be destroyed by a rat anyway so I went ahead and fought Lord Iwama, losing the mimic and locking me out of the no-kill run.