Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Monarch Boss Guide


Guide on how to defeat Shadow Mariko Hyodo or Snow Empress Mariko, the Sapporo Jail King or Monarch, in Persona 5 Strikers or Persona 5 Scramble (P5S). This includes the boss enemy's strengths and weaknesses, stats and skills, and recommended battle strategies.

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Boss Guide

Guide on How to Defeat Snow Empress Mariko in Persona 5 Strikers

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Boss Guide

Shadow Mariko Hyodo or Snow Empress Mariko is the third boss enemy the Phantom Thieves must defeat in Persona 5 Strikers (or Persona 5 Scramble). Shadow Mariko’s monarch form appears as a snow queen. Then, she eventually transforms into a giant blob during the boss fight. The boss is encountered at Sapporo’s Jail, a Metaverse version of Sapporo. Sapporo is the capital city of Hokkaido Prefecture in Japan and is famous for its food, its beer, and its spectacular winter festival.

All Jail Monarchs Sapporo Jail

Defeat the Lock Keeper First

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Lock Keeper Shields Mini-Boss Guide

In order to face the Sapporo Jail King or Monarch, you need to defeat the Sapporo Jail Lock Keeper first.

Sapporo Jail Lock Keeper Boss Guide


Trophy How to Unlock
PlayStation 4 - Bronze TrophyCage of Gluttony Torched Clear Sapporo Jail.

Trophies List

Snow Empress Mariko Information

Here is a breakdown of the boss’ stats, strengths and weaknesses, and skills:

Snow Empress Mariko Stats

HP 12,800
Stagger Gauge 8
Target Date August 12th (8/12)
Recommended Level Level 36 or higher (Main Story), Level 40 or higher (Painful Past), and Level 70 or higher (Painful Past+)
Recommended Party Members Joker, Mona, Panther, and Noir
EXP Rewards 4,000 exp (Main Story), 2,800 exp (Painful Past), and 15,000 exp (Painful Past+)
Yen Rewards 39,000 yen (Main Story), 27,300 exp (Painful Past), and 58,500 yen (Painful Past+)
Other Rewards Accessory x1 (Painful Past+)

Snow Empress Mariko Strength and Weaknesses

Persona 5 Strikers - Physical Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Gun Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Fire Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Ice Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Electric Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Wind Attacks Icon
Block Strong
Persona 5 Strikers - Psy Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Nuke Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Bless Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Curse Attacks Icon Persona 5 Strikers - Almighty Attacks Icon Technical
Weak Strong Weak Weak

Snow Empress Mariko Skills

Skill Skill Effect
Pounce Attack Snow Empress Mariko jumps and creates glacier shards around her.
Tentacle Swipe Snow Empress Mariko uses the utensils to charge and impale foes.
Rage Snow Empress Mariko turns red in color. The user’s attack heavily increases, but defense is heavily lowered.
“You are annoying!” Snow Empress Mariko spins 360 degrees and creates Glaciers around her.
Mabufula Medium Ice damage to a wide range. Rare chance of Freeze.
Dinner Time Snow Empress Mariko swallows a random party member whole. Members that are eaten whole cannot be saved unless Mariko is hit by one of the Chandeliers, or a Showtime. If the last party member is eaten, the game is over.
“The Politicians will Dance!” Snow Empress Mariko spins very quickly and creates glacier shards to wherever she flings herself at. Ice-affinity attack.
“Freeze and Shiver!” Creates a room-wide blizzard that heavily slows down the movement of party members. Attack one of the heaters in the room to revert movement speed back to normal.

Source(s): Megami Tensei Wiki

Snow Empress Mariko Party Builds

Here is our recommended party member setup against the boss. You can choose other party members except for Skull, Fox, and Queen.

For Main Story

Member Persona Essential Skills Notes
Persona 5 Strikers - Protagonist JokerJoker Persona 5 Strikers - Character ListArsene Damage: Eiga or Maeiga (Curse), Psio or Mapsio (Psy), Agilao or Maragion (Fire), Garula or Magarula (Wind) Has Curse (from Arsene), Psychokinesis, Fire, and Wind skills from other Personas obtained or fused. Can also play the role of healer, buff caster, and debuff caster.
Recovery: Diarama or Mediarama, Recarm, Amrita Drop
Buff: Matarukaja, Marakukaja, Masukukaja, Dekaja
Debuff: Tarunda, Rakunda, Sukunda
Persona 5 Strikers - Morgana MonaMona Persona 5 Strikers - Zorro Persona Stats and SkillsZorro Damage: Dormin Rush (Phys), Garula or Magaru (Wind) Has access to Physical and Wind skills that Mariko does not have resistances against. Also, Wind attacks from Mona can deal Technical damage to Mariko when afflicted with Burn status ailment. Can also use healing skills.
Recovery: Diarama or Mediarama
Persona 5 Strikers - Ann Takamaki PantherPanther Persona 5 Strikers - Carmen Persona Stats and SkillsCarmen Damage: Agilao or Maragi (Fire) Has access to Fire skills that Mariko does not have resistances against. Inflicts Burn status ailment on Mariko that causes her to take increased damage from Wind attacks. Can use a debuff skill like Tarunda to reduce the enemy attack power. Can also use healing skills.
Recovery: Diarama
Debuff: Tarunda
Persona 5 Strikers - Haru Okumura NoirNoir Persona 5 Strikers - Milady Persona Stats and SkillsMilady Damage: Hysterical Slap (Phys), Snap or Triple Down (Gun), Psio or Mapsi (Psy) Has access to Psychokinesis skills that Mariko is weak against. Has access to Physical and Gun skills that Mariko does not have resistances against. Can use Amrita Drop to cure allies when inflicted with status or mental ailments.
Recovery: Amrita Drop

For Painful Past Requests

Member Persona Essential Skills Notes
Persona 5 Strikers - Protagonist JokerJoker Persona 5 Strikers - Character ListArsene Damage: Eigaon or Maeigaon (Curse), Psiodyne or Mapsiodyne (Psy), Garudyne or Magarudyne (Wind) Has Curse (from Arsene), Psychokinesis, and Wind skills from other Personas obtained or fused. Can also play the role of healer, buff caster, and debuff caster.
Recovery: Diarama/Diarahan or Mediarama/Mediarahan, Recarm or Samarecarm, Amrita Drop or Amrita Shower
Buff: Matarukaja, Marakukaja, Masukukaja, Dekaja, Heat Riser, Charge, Concentrate
Debuff: Tarunda, Rakunda, Sukunda, Debilitate
Persona 5 Strikers - Morgana MonaMona Persona 5 Strikers - Zorro Persona Stats and SkillsZorro Damage: Dormin Rush (Phys), Garudyne or Magarudyne (Wind) Has access to Physical and Wind skills that Mariko does not have resistances against. Also, Wind attacks from Mona can deal Technical damage to Mariko when afflicted with Burn status ailment. Can use a debuff skill like Masukunda to reduce the enemy evasion/critical evasion. Can also use healing skills.
Recovery: Diarahan, Mediarahan, or Salvation, Samercarm
Debuff: Masukunda
Persona 5 Strikers - Ann Takamaki PantherPanther Persona 5 Strikers - Carmen Persona Stats and SkillsCarmen Damage: Agidyne or Maragidyne (Fire) Has access to Fire skills that Mariko does not have resistances against. Inflicts Burn status ailment on Mariko that causes her to take increased damage from Wind attacks. Can use a debuff skill like Tarunda to reduce the enemy attack power. Can also use healing skills.
Recovery: Diarama or Diarahan
Buff: Concentrate
Debuff: Tarunda or Matarunda, Dekaja
Persona 5 Strikers - Haru Okumura NoirNoir Persona 5 Strikers - Milady Persona Stats and SkillsMilady Damage: Hysterical Slap (Phys), Triple Down or One-shot Kill (Gun), Psiodyne or Mapsiodyne (Psy) Has access to Psychokinesis skills that Mariko is weak against. Has access to Physical and Gun skills that Mariko does not have resistances against. Can use Amrita Drop to cure allies when inflicted with status or mental ailments. Can use an all-in-one buff skill like Heat Riser to boost an ally in battle.
Recovery: Amrita Drop or Amrita Shower
Buff: Heat Riser
Persona Compendium Phantom Thieves Battle Ratings 

Snow Empress Mariko Strategies

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Boss Strategies

Here is a breakdown of the battle strategies against the boss:

Carry SP Recovery Items

Before engaging the boss, bring a stock of HP and SP recovery items. These items can be bought from accessible vending machines, food stands, stores, and restaurants. You can also buy ingredients from Sophia’s Shop and other real-world stores. Then, cook these ingredients for additional HP and SP items through Joker’s Kitchen.

Joker’s Kitchen Guide

Land Debuffs

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Land Debuffs

Start the battle by landing multiple debuffs on Snow Empress Mariko. Debuffs can be in the form of attack power decrease (Tarunda), defense power decrease (Rakunda), and evasion/critical evasion power decrease (Sukunda). These debuffs can be accessed by Joker (from Arsene and other Personas), Mona, and Panther. Another option is by using Debilitate for an all-in-one debuff. This special debuff can be accessed by Joker (from other Personas).

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Rage

When you face the boss again through Painful Past requests, it will immediately use its Rage special move at 90% HP. It can be nullified by Dekaja in order to reduce its attack power.

Cast Buffs

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Cast Buffs

Follow-up the debuffs with party members buffs. Buffs can be in the form of attack power increase (Tarukaja or Matarukaja), defense power increase (Rakukaja or Marakukaja), and evasion/critical evasion increase (Sukukaja or Masukukaja). These buffs can be accessed by Joker (from other Personas). Another option is by using Heat Riser for an all-in-one buff. This special buff can be accessed by Joker (from other Personas) and Noir. You may also use Charge and Concentrate buffs to boost your damage even further if available. These buffs can be accessed by Joker (from other Personas) and Panther.

Use Psy and Curse Attacks

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Use Curse Attacks

Snow Empress Mariko is weak against Psychokinesis and Curse attacks which makes Joker’s Arsene and Noir’s Milady effective against her. Continue on using elemental attacks in order to break the shields and stagger the boss. Make use of narrow range elemental skills if you’re close and wide range elemental skills if you’re far from the boss.

Capitalize on Terrain Gimmicks

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Use Terrain Gimmicks

There are two terrain gimmicks accessible on the battlefield. Quickly transfer on them and use Phantom Dash to hurt the boss.

Terrain Gimmick Strategy
Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Terrain Gimmick ChandelierChandelier You can lure Mariko in position to drop the giant chandelier above. Use Phantom Dash to get up on the chandelier and drop it on her to deal enough damage. While stunned, unleash elemental attacks before she is able to retaliate.
Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King MonarchTerrain Gimmick HeaterHeater The heater is only accessible when Mariko uses her special move, Freeze and Shiver. Identify the location of the heater and examine it to remove the terrain effect.

Dodge Ice Attacks

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Evade Mabufula

Snow Empress Mariko can use Ice attacks such as Mabufula. It can also inflict Freeze status ailments as mentioned earlier. Joker can equip Jack Frost to nullify Ice attacks while other party members can wear armor or accessory that nullifies or reduces Ice elemental damage. Since you’re using Panther in this boss fight, be very careful when using her against the boss to avoid getting downed and inflicted with status ailments such Freeze and Dizzy.

Cure Inflicted Ailments

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Dizzy

If a party member got inflicted with a status or mental ailments such as Freeze, Dizzy, or Sleep, make sure that you have access to a Status Recovery skill called Amrita Drop or Amrita Shower to cure it. You can also use status recovery items to remove the status or mental ailment if available. Status Recovery skills can be accessed by Joker (from other Personas) and Noir.

Deal Technical Damage with Wind and Psy Attacks

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Use Psychokinesis Attacks

When the boss is inflicted with a status ailment such as Burn, deal technical damage by using Wind attacks. You can also inflict technical damage when the boss is on Rage mode using Psychokinesis attacks. Switch between Joker, Mona, and Noir to avoid running out of SP.

Avoid Special Moves like Dinner Time

While damaging the boss, it will unleash its unique attacks on your party. For the second phase of the fight, Mariko starts to attack faster and throw out more moves.

Special Move Strategy
Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch RageRage Avoid staying in front of Mariko. Cast Dekaja first to remove the attack power buff of the boss. Then, follow-up with Tarunda or Debilitate to lower its attack power. Finally, hit her with Psychokinesis attacks.
Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Dinner TimeDinner Time This is a random special move. You can utilize the chandeliers to remove the captured party member from Mariko’s mouth. Using Showtime attacks are also helpful in saving a captured party member. Mariko also eats the tables in the banquet room to power herself so position your party away from it.
Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Freeze and ShiverFreeze and Shiver Locate the heater within the hall. Get away from Mariko’s sight while attempting to reach the heater and activating it. Take note that your character’s movement is slow. Also affected is your dash and jump moves.

Unleash Showtime Attacks

Persona 5 Strikers - Sapporo Jail Shadow Mariko Hyodo Snow Empress Mariko Jail King Monarch Unleash Showtime Attack

While engaging Mariko, you may build up your showtime gauge. When it’s available, unleash the showtime attack against the boss. If Joker’s showtime attack is available, make sure he has the right persona that can capitalize on the weakness of the boss. Also, there is a consumable item that will quickly boost your Showtime gauge build up so feel free to use it against the boss.

← Nightmare Dragon Ango Akane’s Joker →

Other Bosses

Persona 5 Strikers - Boss Guides Banner

All Jail Monarchs

▼All Jail Monarchs
Shibuya Jail Monarch Sendai Jail Monarch Sapporo Jail Monarch
Kyoto Jail Monarch Osaka Jail Monarch Jail of the Abyss Accomplice
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Lock Keepers

▼All Lock Keepers
Shibuya Jail Lock Keeper Sendai Jail Lock Keeper Sapporo Jail Lock Keeper
Okinawa Jail Lock Keeper Osaka Jail Lock Keeper -

Powerful Shadows

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Fratricidal Destroyer Seth Guard Dog of Hades Cerberus Monarch of Snow King Frost
Fallen Snowman Black Frost Brilliant Dragonslayer Siegfried Throbbing King of Desire Mara
Shadow of God Metatron Reaper Secret Boss -

Dire Shadows

▼All Dire Shadows
Killer Teddy Bear Bugbear Snake King Raja Naga Harlot of Desire Lilith
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  1. Hey I actually found something interesting during this boss. When she uses dinner time she can actually eat the tables in the corners of the room. It keeps her in pace for a good amount of time. I was unable to replicate it because my teammates kept walking into her but I did it on painful last + if that helps

  2. So im stuck on this part and I had an idea is there an ability in p5s for your persona to reflect/gain health from physical attacks? If so then have Jack frost and give him that he will heal joker from ice and heal from physical attacks