Brawl Stars - Bull Brawler Stats and Attributes

Guide for the brawler Bull, a character in Brawl Stars. Included are Bull’s abilities, statistics, strengths, weaknesses, and more.

Bull Stats

Brawl Stars Bull

Bull Stats

Stats Lv.1 Per Level Increase Lv.9-10
HP 5200 250 7200
Reload Speed 1.6 seconds
Attack Damage 400 per Shell 20 per Shell 560 per Shell
Super Damage 800 per Shell 40 per Shell 1120 per Shell
Movement Speed 2.85 Tiles per Second
Attack Type Short Range

Bull Attacks (Descriptions, Videos, and Mechanics)

Basic Attack Effect
Brawl Stars Bull AttackDouble-Barrel Bull can’t see ten feet, but he doesn’t need to! His double barreled shotgun can blow off a barn door with ease.
Ability Mechanics:

  • Range: 5 tiles
  • 10.6 Tiles per Second
  • Double-Barrel does more damage the closer you are to enemies. Use the brush to get close to opposing brawlers and blow them away!
Super Attack Effect
Brawl Stars Bull Super AttackBulldozer Bull has always been headstrong. So he puts his head down and bulldozes through opponents and obstacles.
Ability Mechanics:

  • Range: 10 tiles
  • Bull destroys any bushes or obstacles in his way when charging
  • Bull can charge over water


Star Power Effect
Brawl Stars Star PowerBerserker When Bull falls below 40% health, his reload speed doubles!

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