By Firefly’s Light Side Quest Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

By Firefly’s Light

One of the Side Quests found in the Dueling Peaks Region. By fulfilling the requirements of the task, you will receive a Purple Rupee.

To initiate this Side Quest, head to Kakariko Village and speak to the woman Lasli around 10 PM onwards. She is usually seen idling by the Kakariko Village’s armor shop during daytime, while heads home to the Southeast section during evenings.

The objective of this Side Quest is to capture 5 sunset fireflies around the area. Without rain, there are multiple of them scattered around Kakariko Village once night falls. To collect one is a similar process to mounting, simply crouch-walk toward them and press A. If you have gathered all 5, enter Lasli’s house, then select them from your inventory until you have them held with your hands cupped, and finally release them. With your assistance, Lasli will pass on a Purple Rupee.

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