Glitch: Arrow Farming
This section covers a glitch in Breath of the Wild showing how to Farm Arrows including the Requirement, Method, and Earnings.
- Paraglider
- Optional: Revali’s Gale

Either head to a cliff then Paraglide to an area where mounted Bokoblins gather, or a relatively safer option is to call upon the power of Revali’s Gale to whip up a strong gust to send you flying upwards. For the latter, pursue the group until you are under their line of fire.

Drop down the Paraglider then immediately pan the camera so that you are overlooking Link at the Top view. Stay still and as they keep missing you with their Arrow shots. Eventually there will be an abundance of Arrows surrounding your position as they keep on failing to inflict any damage.

Since Breath of the Wild allows you to harvest arrows wasted by Bokoblin Archers, you are free to simply farm from their guaranteed missed arrow shots. The downside to this process is that it might take a while to get a great haul. However, if you are missing Rupees to buy Arrows, or simply planning to save on something better, this farming method provides you with a decent supply to use for the farming Ancient Soldier Gear.
Why not just warp to Zora’s Domain and travel down to Inogo Bridge by following the path. Almost EVERY single lizalfos on the way down drops at least 5 arrows and IIRC there’s like 20 Lizalfoes heading down through there. Literally one-shotable and you get a +100 arrows.
For anyone who needs help with gathering the Guardian Armor, here’s a few tips.
•ram into them while galloping on your horse
•use bomb arrows to blow their legs off
•fight using the Master Sword (mainly works while in Hyrule Castle’s area)
Bam. That’s what the people mean when they say “Guardian Farming.”