Hylian Homeowner Side Quest Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

Hylian Homeowner

To start the Hylian Homeowner side quest, speak to Bolson in Hateno Village. He will seel you a house for 3000 rupees and 30 bundles of wood. This task is very laborious, but can very achieve by following several tips in order to get 3000 rupees and 30 bundles of wood easily.

The best way to get 3000 rupees is by selling gemstones. Destroy ore deposits located in various locations around Hyrule and you will eventually get the number of gemstones that you need to sell. The Talus sub-bosses can also be farmed for more gemstones.

You can easily get wood by felling trees. The recommended location for you to get a lot of bundles of wood is around the old man’s hut in Great Plateau, the Rito Stable, and the valley which leads to Zora’s Domain.

After getting the required items to buy the house, talk to Bolson and he will now give you your own home. However, you would still need to furnish it. There are several furniture that you can buy for 100 rupees, but all in all, you would need 1400 rupees to fully furnish your home.

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