Mini-Game: Sand-Seal Racing [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

Mini-Game: Sand-Seal Racing

To access this Mini-Game Sand-Seal Racing, you must have cleared the Shrine Quest “The Undefeated Champ.” Each time you clear the Mini-Game under the 1:30 time limit, you will receive a Gold Rupee.

Prerequisite The Undefeated Champ

To initiate this Mini-Game, go South of Gerudo Town then interact with Shabonne, found at the sand seal rally area. Pay 50 rupees to enter the race.

Similar to the Shrine Quest, the race has a time limit of a minute and a half. The objective is to pass through each arch as you reach for the finish line. The course is identical to the Shrine’s, thus you should have enough guidelines on how to go about it. Remember to press A to perform a dash to maintain a manageable pace, and avoid turning abruptly. With proper execution, you will reach the finish line at the right time and receive a Gold Rupee. You may repeat this process many times to receive another reward.

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