Tu Ka’loh Shrine Walkthrough
Tu Ka’loh Shrine is a labyrinth trial shrine. When you enter, you find yourself in another labyrinth. After all, it’s on a place called Lomei Labyrinth island.

However, this shrine doesn’t really have a challenge. But you need to find and enter the shrine. As you go around, there are Guardians patrolling the labyrinth in the air. So, climbing the walls is out of the question. However, all you need to do is follow the pathway. But if you want some cool armor, explore all the pathways before using the northwest labyrinth entrance. Use Magnesis to move the metal block in your path.
Also don’t forget to grab the Ancient Core in the chest behind it. Then, take the right branch and go to the shrine.

However, if you want a shortcut, you can try climbing. Although, it may be a problem due to the flying Guardians.
However, there’s a particular area and take the corridor to the east. Climb up the ladder and follow the way to the shrine. When you spot a vertical shaft with a bramble, burn it down and follow the path. It leads to a fire-infused flameblade. Once you enter Tu Ka’loh shrine, head to the altar and grab your Spirit Orb.
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