Ya Naga Shrine Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Ya Naga Shrine.

Ya Naga Shrine Walkthrough

When entering Ya Naga Shrine, you’ll realize that it’s another jump puzzle. You’re also probably wondering. How did they stick that  thing under an island? Well, no one really knows. It’s just the rules of Hyrule.

For the first part, make your way up to the cube and drop a cube bomb  on it. After that, walk to the stairs at the base of the cube. When you get there, drop a round bomb in the tubular structure.

Once you get there, you’ll see some fire works. Take a few steps back and look up. There’s some breakable blocks on the ceiling. Use the round bomb and press L to detonate the one you put inside the tube. This propels the cube up all the way into the ceiling. While it ascends, switch to the cube bomb and get ready to blow it up. When it’s nearby the breakable ceiling, detonate it and shatter the ceiling.

Now with the path cleared. drop another round bomb into the tubular structure. Make your way to the top of the cube. Ideally, you should face the right  from the entrance to make it easier to grab the chest. Detonate the bomb and send  Link flying. As he flies, draw your paraglider atthe top and glide to the chest. After that, walk over to the altar.

Speak to Ya Naga and grab your Spirit Orb.

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