Kaam Ya’Tak Shrine Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Kaam Ya'Tak Shrine.

Kaam Ya’Tak Shrine Walkthrough

Kaam Ya’Tak’s First Puzzle

When entering Kaam Ya’Tak Shrine, you’ll spot a massive boulder hanging all the way the right. If you want to use the boulder then, grab it using Magnesis. Once you do so, drop it on the slope. When it starts rolling down the slope, let the boulder roll past you and smash the doors open. With that, you open the door to the next room.

After that, you head into the next section. However, watch out: there are spiked boulders! But the thing is, you need to make your way to the other side of the corridor without being flattened into a pancake. If you don’t want to take chances, use Stasis to stop the boulders. That way, you can gain more start time before they can completely flatten you into road-kill.

Kaam Ya’Tak’s Second Puzzle

When you reach the corridor, you’ll spot some Guardians. Slaughter them all before lighting the leaves with a fire arrow. If you don’t have a fire arrow, you can also use a torch to light up one of the normal arrows into a fire arrow. After that, this causes the boulder and open the doors for you. But before you head to the next section, there’s a treasure chest behind it. Grab the chest and there’s also a second one immediately to your left before the open doors.

Leave the room and follow the corridors until you reach the position shown here. When you reach here however, you’ll find yourself encountering some Guardian Scouts. Kill them off before immobilizing the rotating platform with Stasis. With that, cross over the platform. A little further, you’ll find a terminal that gives you control over a hammer via your controller. Smash the hammer into the boulder to send it off. As it rolls down, it’ll smash through the doors. Don’t forget to pick up the treasure chest to the left of the doors before proceeding.

Kaam Ya’Tak’s Third Puzzle

When you reach the next room, burn the leaves with fire arrows like awhile ago. Cast Stasis on the rotating floor platform, then step on the nearby floor switch precisely as a boulder reaches the bottom of the slope. You have to make sure that the boulder has enough speed to fly off the handle and straight over the gap. Although it’ll take a few tries, getting it just needs to know the trick. The trick is that the rotating floor platform must still be frozen in time once the boulder reaches it. After that, go through the door once they are open.

Kaam Ya’Tak’s Fourth Puzzle

As this is the final part of the shrine, step on the floor switch to open the fence. Then, cast Stasis  on the hammer on wheels. Hit it multiple times with a heavy weapon. The objective is to blast it with enough force to open the doors at the opposite end. Before  you head towards the altar, turn around and destroy the rocks to reveal a passage leading to a fourth treasure chest.

After that, head through the doors and stand on the tile adjacent of the crystal. Smacking the crystal shoots you upward and all the way to the altar, gliding as you do so. However, don’t forget the fifth chest that’s sitting above the crystal. It’s behind a fence. You can reach it from the back via the ledge that runs below the altar.

After that, talk to Kaam Ya’Tak and grab your Spirit Orb.

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