Walkthrough Part 7 in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) (SMT 5: Vengeance)
Here is our Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) main story walkthrough and guide for Demon King’s Castle. Included are a list of recruitable demons, normal and boss enemies’ weaknesses, and recommended strategies to clear each area in the game.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Main Story Walkthroughs List
Walkthrough Overview
Areas | Demon King’s Castle (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Stratum) |
Recommended Level | To be confirmed. |
Bosses | Chernobog, Arioch |
Regular Enemies
Enemy | Level | Demon Race | Weaknesses |
? | ? | ? | ? |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Demonic Compendium
Boss Enemies
Boss | Level | Demon Race | Weaknesses |
Chernobog | 53 | Fury | Light |
Arioch | 55 | Tyrant | Elec |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Boss Guides
Demon King’s Castle Walkthrough (Part 1)
Castle: 1st Stratum
1 | From the large corridor, head all the way north. |
2 | Pass through the long straight path that stretches north. Then, turn east past the first demon NPC. |
3 | You will eventually come to the first red device near the stairs that blows out a gust of wind. More of these will be encountered throughout the area so get familiar with their timing to avoid getting blown away and falling off. |
4 | Pass by the first red device and go up the stairs going south. |
5 | Follow the path as it bends east and then north again. Keep going north and enter the door. |
6 | Go down the stairs stretching east. Then, use the leyline fount on your right. |
7 | Continue down the stairs and through the next door. |
8 | Follow the path clockwise going up and over the gaps while picking the items along the way. Then, head to the southeast through the door and follow the straight path down the stair going south. |
9 | Go through the next door ahead and move clockwise around the walkway while avoiding the gust coming out of the red devices. |
10 | Go through the door to the south when you reach the top to exit to the 2nd stratum. |
Demon King’s Castle Walkthrough (Part 2)
Castle: 2nd Stratum
1 | Approach the group of angels for a cutscene. |
2 | Afterwards, head west and go around this section to reach the southeastern section of the area’s western half. |
3 | Go up the stairs and examine the dead angel on the floor. |
4 | Afterwards, continue up the stairs and prepare to battle Chernobog. |
5 | Chernobog is able to act up to 4 times in battle and has access to several debuffs to reduce your evasion, hit rate, and defense. He will mostly use Physical skills as well as Mamudoon (a powerful all-target Dark attack) after gathering Magatsuhi.
For this fight, it is recommended to have an ally that can constantly apply Sukunda to increase the chances of Chernobog missing with its attacks. Have some Dark Stones ready when Chernobog gathers Magatsuhi to reduce incoming Dark damage the next turn. Otherwise, keep pummeling the boss with Light skills to chip away at his HP. |
6 | After defeating Chernobog, head to the northwest section of the area and go through the door. |
7 | Follow the stairs down going east and pass through the door to the north. |
3 | Move west and work your way around to the east. Go up the stairs going south and talk to the Angel. |
4 | Move west and toward the Orobas. Use the red device’s gust to carry you across the platform to the north. |
5 | Go over the gap on your right and go up the stairs. Use the red device on your left to fly to the walkway on the south. |
6 | Move east and go down the stairs. Use the next red device to fly to the platform to the north. |
7 | Go north and over the gap to the next platform. Move forward and over the gap to the another platform on you right. |
8 | Jump down the platform and go up the stairs on the upper right corner. Move west and go past the three red devices. |
9 | Jump over the gap and continue west along the straight path. Follow the path as it turns south. |
10 | When you come up to three sets of red devices, stand in front of the one in the middle to carry you to the platform to the east. |
11 | Go up the stairs going east. When you see another set of red devices, stand in front of the first one to fly to the walkway to the north. Move west to find another set of devices and stand in front of the one third one to fly to the platform to the south. |
12 | Move along the path and go west through the door. |
13 | Then, follow the stairs down going west and use the leyline fount on your left. |
14 | Keep moving down the stairs and go through the next door. |
15 | Go up the stairs on your right and move counterclockwise around the area. |
16 | When you reach the southeast corner, go up the stairs to the north. Work your way around to the west and then south through the door. |
17 | Keep moving down the stairs and go through the next door. |
18 | Go up the stairs on your right and move counterclockwise around the area. |
19 | When you reach the southeast corner, go up the stairs to the north. Work your way around to the west and then south through the door. |
20 | Follow the stairs down going east. Then, enter the next door. |
21 | Make your way to the south and use the red device on the ground to go up the walkway to the southwest. |
22 | Move west and jump down to find three red devices lined up on the ground. Take the one in the middle to carry you up while another red device above will fly you to the north platform. |
23 | Go east while jumping over the gaps and then north. Then, move west over the gap and north past a demon until you find a chest and a dead end. |
24 | Drop down to the west and go up the stair to the south. Move forward and drop down north. |
25 | Use the red device to the west to go up the walkway to the north. Follow the path east and turn south. |
26 | To your right is a red device on the wall. Wait for it to blow a gust of wind to send you into the air while the other red devices nearby ping-pong you to the walkway to the east. |
27 | Follow the straight path going south and go through the door to reach the 3rd stratum. |
Demon King’s Castle Walkthrough (Part 3)
Castle: 3rd Stratum
1 | Move forward and go east. Interact with the leyline fount. |
2 | Then, backtrack and go north until you reach a fork that goes north and northeast. Take the northeast path. |
3 | Work your way east for a cutscene. Then, enter the door to the east. |
4 | Go south and work your way counterclockwise until you come to the stairs that lead south. |
5 | Go up the stairs and head for the next door all the way to the far north of the map. Once you are through the door, follow the path down the stairs north and use the leyline fount on your left. |
6 | Continue down the stairs and through the door to the next area. |
7 | Go up the stairs to the west and you will come to a cross-shaped platform with red devices blowing wind in different directions. |
8 | Time the red devices when they are not blowing wind and head for the northeast platform with stairs going north. |
9 | Go up the stairs and follow the path north and as it bends to the west (there will be rows of red devices here so move carefully). |
10 | Keep going west until you approach a dead end with a red device blowing straight at you and another red device to your right. Use the one on the right to fly you to the walkway to the south. |
11 | You will see another pair of red devices (one blowing directly at you and another to your left). Time your approach just when the red device on the left is blowing to fly you to the platform to the north. |
12 | From here, follow the path going west and as it bends south (another pair of red devices are found here so move south immediately after the one directly blowing towards you stops). |
13 | Move along south and jump over the gap. Then, jump down to find a red device on the floor blowing wind up while two red devices above are blowing in different directions. Your goal is to get up on the upper platform to the south and follow it until it bends to a long straight path going west. |
14 | Go through the door at the end of the path to reach the 4th Stratum. |
Demon King’s Castle Walkthrough (Part 4)
Castle: 4th Stratum
1 | Approach the leyline fount ahead (Audience Chamber). |
2 | Make your way east through the door of the large chamber for a cutscene. |
3 | Prepare to battle Antioch. |
4 | Antioch will be accompanied by 2 Decarabia which you should take out as quickly as possible. Doing so reduces the number of actions the enemy side has. Use Light skills on Decarabia as it is weak to them.
Antioch’s only weakness is Elec. Since you must worry about dealing with the Decarabias first at the start of the battle, you can simply bring out your Elec attackers once Antioch is alone. Having Ice immunity is crucial for this fight as Antioch will constantly bombard you with the all-target Ice skill Mabufudyne. This attack can instantly kill Nahobino if you are not prepared. Infuse yourself with the affinity granted by Koropokkuru’s Essence you can buy at Cadaver’s Hollow. Be sure to have a demon with access to debuffs like Sukunda or Sukukaja. This is because Antioch can use a single-target physical skill that has a high chance of dealing critical damage. |
5 | Watch the cutscene. Afterwards, this section will be cleared. |
← Ginza – Tokyo Station | Walkthrough Part 6 → |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Recommended Article List

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Game Guides
Collectible Guides

General Collectibles
Mimans List | Talismans List |
Demon Statues List | Abscesses List |
Amalgams List | Periapts List |
Aogami Husks List | Cirronup Fox Demons List |
Demon Navigators List | - |
Map Collectibles by Region
Minato Map Collectibles List | Shinagawa Map Collectibles List |
Chiyoda Map Collectibles List | Shinjuku Map Collectibles List |
Taito Map Collectibles List | - |
Beginner Guides

Basic Information
Pre-Order Bonuses | Game Editions |
DLC List and Information | Game Difficulty |
Game Controls | Gameplay Features and Changes |
Permanent Events and Missables | Save Data Transfer Bonuses |
PC System Objectives and Specs | Platform and System Differences |
How Long to Beat | Metacritic Reviews |
Differences with Persona Games | Differences with SMT Games |
Tips for Beginners | - |
Strategy Guides

Useful Information
Post-Game Unlockables | New Game Plus Unlockables |
Endings Routes Guide | Canon of Vengeance Route Guide |
Fast Leveling Guide | Money Farming Guide |
Glory Farming Guide | Incense Farming Guide |
Sutra Farming Guide | Battle System Guide |
Virtual Trainer Battle Guide | - |
Tier List Guides
How-to Guides
Nahobino Guides
Stats Guide | Attributes Guide |
Skill Types Guide | Status Effects Guide |
Magatsuhi Skills Guide | Skill Potential Guide |
Essences Guide | Moon Phase System Guide |
Relic Items Guide | Nahobino Forms Guide |
Demon Guides
World of Shadows Guide | Cadaver's Hollow Guide |
Demon Fusion Table Guide | Demon Negotiation Guide |
Mitama Demons Guide | Unlockable Demons List |
Special Fusions List | Special Conversations List |
Demon Navigator Guide | Guest Characters Guide |
Magatsuhi Demon Guide | Demon Haunt Guide |
Original Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List | Challenge Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List |
Game Database

General Database
Items List | Demon Skills List |
Bosses List | Demons List |
Item Database
Battle Items List | Boost Items List |
Dungeon Items List | Essence Items List |
Relic Items List | Key Items List |
Demon Skill Database
Physical Skills List | Magic Skills List |
Instant Death Skills List | Ailment Skills List |
Recovery Skills List | Support Skills List |
Passive Skills List | Magatsuhi Skills List |
Miracle Skills List | - |
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