Walkthrough Part 6 in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) (SMT 5: Vengeance)
Here is our Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) main story walkthrough and guide for Ginza, Akihabara, and Tokyo Station. Included is a list of recruitable demons, normal and boss enemies’ weaknesses, and recommended strategies to clear each area in the game.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Main Story Walkthroughs List
Walkthrough Overview
Areas | Tokyo Diet, Ginza, Akihabara, Kanda, Tokyo Station |
Recommended Level | 50 |
Bosses | Shohei Yakumo, Surt, Ishtar |
Regular Enemies
Enemy | Level | Demon Race | Weaknesses |
? | ? | ? | ? |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Demonic Compendium
Boss Enemies
Boss | Level | Demon Race | Weaknesses |
Shohei Yakumo | ? | Meta | Dark |
Surt | ? | Tyrant | Ice |
Ishtar | ? | Lady | Dark |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Boss Guides
Tokyo Diet – Ginza Walkthrough
1 | Head to the Institute of Medical Sciences in Tokyo after defeating Lahmu. |
2 | From the Tokyo Diet, go to the underground passage on the east section to reach Ginza. |
3 | Head for the marked location by passing through Ginza – Awajicho. |
4 | Talk to the Angel at the marked location. Afterwards, head to the next location to the southeast. |
5 | Talk to the Angel again there and head east to Akihabara. |
6 | Watch the cutscene. Then, prepare to battle Shohei Yakumo. |
7 | Shohei uses powerful Elec and Physical attacks so organize a party that has little to no vulnerabilities to these damage types. Shohei will also frequently attack the entire party with Mazionga. To counter this, infuse Nahobino with Elec immunity to avoid getting wiped out.
Shohei’s only weakness is Dark so it is highly recommended to be able to use Mamudo on him. Lamia is especially effective as she is able to use Dark skills and has Elec immunity. Other good attackers include Anubis, Baphomet, and Alice. Try to have Nahobino learn the skill as well through fusion if you can. Another skill to have for this fight is Tarunda since Shohei frequently buffs himself with Tarukaja. If you ignore this, he can easily take you out with his hard-hitting Physical attacks. |
Akihabara Village Walkthrough
1 | Move to the marked location going north. |
2 | At the location, listen to the conversation with Amanozako at Manseibashi. Afterwards, keep heading north to the marked location and get the Akihabara Gongen Sign (Kanda). |
3 | Head back to the Angel in Awajocho and prepare to battle Surt. |
4 | Surt mostly uses Fire and Physical skills during the fight. Try to have Flame Block (learned by Quetzalcoatl or Suzaku) beforehand to shut down Surt when he throws out Fire attacks.
While Surt will deal significant damage with his Physical attacks, you can simply heal through them as they are not as strong as his Fire skills. Surt is weak to Ice so demons like Jack Frost, Black Frost, Seiryu, Sarasvati, and Forneus are good choices. |
Tokyo Station Walkthrough
1 | Follow the path further into Kanda. |
2 | Talk to Dazai. Then, head to the Tokyo Station. |
3 | Speak with Decarabia at the leyline fount. The results do not change if you choose to pay or not. |
4 | Disable the 7 devices found around the area to stop the Magatsuhi from building up. Ignoring this will make the fight against Ishtar later significantly more difficult (she will be able to act 8 times during the fight). |
5 | Head to the marked location and prepare to battle Ishtar. |
6 | Ishtar frequently uses multi-target Elec and Light skills. She can easily take out the entire party if she triggers critical hits so have one ally set-up block Elec and Light for this fight if you can.
Ishtar also has access to a powerful party-wide Elec move which ignores resistances. To counter this, use buffs and debuffs to increase your defense and lower her magic damage. Pummel Ishtar with Dark attacks since she is weak to the damage type. Alice and Anubis are recommended for this fight who have Light resistance and immunity respectively. For support and recovery demons, Kushinadahime and Dominion work well against Ishtar. |
← Shinagawa Wharf- Station | Demon King’s Castle → |
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Recommended Article List

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Game Guides
Collectible Guides

General Collectibles
Mimans List | Talismans List |
Demon Statues List | Abscesses List |
Amalgams List | Periapts List |
Aogami Husks List | Cirronup Fox Demons List |
Demon Navigators List | - |
Map Collectibles by Region
Minato Map Collectibles List | Shinagawa Map Collectibles List |
Chiyoda Map Collectibles List | Shinjuku Map Collectibles List |
Taito Map Collectibles List | - |
Beginner Guides

Basic Information
Pre-Order Bonuses | Game Editions |
DLC List and Information | Game Difficulty |
Game Controls | Gameplay Features and Changes |
Permanent Events and Missables | Save Data Transfer Bonuses |
PC System Objectives and Specs | Platform and System Differences |
How Long to Beat | Metacritic Reviews |
Differences with Persona Games | Differences with SMT Games |
Tips for Beginners | - |
Strategy Guides

Useful Information
Post-Game Unlockables | New Game Plus Unlockables |
Endings Routes Guide | Canon of Vengeance Route Guide |
Fast Leveling Guide | Money Farming Guide |
Glory Farming Guide | Incense Farming Guide |
Sutra Farming Guide | Battle System Guide |
Virtual Trainer Battle Guide | - |
Tier List Guides
How-to Guides
Nahobino Guides
Stats Guide | Attributes Guide |
Skill Types Guide | Status Effects Guide |
Magatsuhi Skills Guide | Skill Potential Guide |
Essences Guide | Moon Phase System Guide |
Relic Items Guide | Nahobino Forms Guide |
Demon Guides
World of Shadows Guide | Cadaver's Hollow Guide |
Demon Fusion Table Guide | Demon Negotiation Guide |
Mitama Demons Guide | Unlockable Demons List |
Special Fusions List | Special Conversations List |
Demon Navigator Guide | Guest Characters Guide |
Magatsuhi Demon Guide | Demon Haunt Guide |
Original Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List | Challenge Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List |
Game Database

General Database
Items List | Demon Skills List |
Bosses List | Demons List |
Item Database
Battle Items List | Boost Items List |
Dungeon Items List | Essence Items List |
Relic Items List | Key Items List |
Demon Skill Database
Physical Skills List | Magic Skills List |
Instant Death Skills List | Ailment Skills List |
Recovery Skills List | Support Skills List |
Passive Skills List | Magatsuhi Skills List |
Miracle Skills List | - |
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