Guide on How to Defeat Mitama Demons in Shin Megami Tensei V
Mitama Demons are rare demons that show up in the overworld of Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5). They serve as avenues for the Nahobino to acquire bonus experience, key items for sale, and Glory points.
If you face a Mitama Demon blindly, you will most likely not damage it due to its random weakness. If you used the wrong skill type, it will block the attack and consume two press turns from your side. If you already have two mistakes in determining the weakness of the demon, the demon will flee more likely.
Before Battle Against Mitamas
Here is a breakdown of the battle preparation against these demons:
Buy Spyglass items
Before hunting for Mitama demons, make sure to purchase numerous Spyglass items. This item is essential in determining the weakness of the Mitama demon you are facing in battle. Remember that not all Mitamas share the same weakness even if they share the same name.
For example, the first Nigi Mitama you may encounter in the wild may have an Ice weakness. The next one you will face in the same battle or in another encounter will have a different weakness like Fire.
Increase Spawn Rate
Since Mitama sightings are rare in the base game, you can acquire DLCs to boost their appearance. Note that these are paid content.
Add Party Members with Different Skill Types
As mentioned before, the weakness of a Mitama demon varies per encounter. Make it a point to have access to all offensive skill types such as Fire, Ice, Electricity, Force, Light, and Dark. During mid-game onwards, have a demon that has Almighty skill since it hits directly and no demon has resistance to it.
Ambush from Behind
Mitamas are incredibly alert and cautious. They will run away if they sense danger or are approached. Make sure to ambush one from behind without getting detected.
During Battle Against Mitamas
Here is a breakdown of the battle strategies against these demons:
Check out the number of enemies
See how many Mitamas you are facing during battle. If you’re facing only one Mitama demon, it is easy to finish the battle, but the rewards are lower.
If you’re facing more than one Mitama in an encounter, focus on one demon at a time before moving to the next one. Rewards will be greater if you are able to clear more than one demon per encounter.
Use the Spyglass
Start the battle by using the Spyglass. Determine the weakness and command your ally that can use the skill type.
Keep Passing Turn
Make use of the Press Turn System and pass the turn to the next demon that can damage the demon.
Exploit the weakness by using the appropriate skill
After determining the weakness, use the right skill to exploit the weakness of the demon. In the mid-game onwards, you can use a strong Almighty skill to damage the Mitama demon at the beginning of the battle. Again, Almighty skills are not blockable during battle.
Defeat the Mitama and repeat the process
Since Mitama demons have low stats, they are eliminated quickly by one hit. In cases that there are two or more Mitamas, make the ally demon use any Almighty skills if available. If they survive, they will be provoked and remain in battle most likely.
Mitama demons do not attack but they will use a debuff skill, Debilitate, instead. The debuff will lessen your damage but they can still be eliminated in one hit. Take note that some Mitama demons may join other non-Mitama race demons in some encounters.
After defeating one Mitama demon, repeat the process starting with Nahobino using another Spyglass or have a party member that can use strong Almighty skills like Megido.
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