Magatsuhi Skills Guide for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) (SMT 5: Vengeance)
What are Magatsuhi Skills?
Magatsuhi skills are a unique class of demon skills in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) that can only be used when the Magatsuhi gauge is full (displayed on the upper right corner of the battle screen). They are among the most powerful skills in the game, allowing your party to deal massive damage or gain useful buffs in battle.
Shin Megami Tense V: Vengeance Magatsuhi Skills List
Magatsuhi Skills and Demon Race
Each demon race, including Nahobino, has access to various Magatsuhi skills they can use in battle. There are also certain abilities that can be used by any race. Upon meeting different conditions, the protagonist will be able to execute Magatsuhi skills that are exclusive to specific races.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Demonic Compendium
How to Use Magatsuhi Skills
To use Magatsuhi skills, your party must fully charge the Magatsuhi gauge which builds up whenever any of your party members take damage. In this sense, Magatsuhi skills are akin to desperation attacks or “limit breaks” that your party can perform.
Using a Magatsuhi skill depletes the entire gauge so you will need to charge it up again by receiving damage. It is important to note that executing Magatsuhi skills does not use up a character’s turn and can be seen as allowing party members to act twice.
Special Magatsuhi Skill Mechanics
Magatsuhi Skills are not affected by Skill Potential.
As a unique category of skills in the game, Magatsuhi are not affected by Skill Potential. Instead, certain Magatsuhi skills are affected by specific parameters such as the user’s level.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Skill Potential Guide
Enemy Skills Similar to Magatsuhi Skills
While enemies themselves do not possess any sort of Magatsuhi gauge to use such skills, they are able to gather Magatsuhi from the surroundings during battle and will emit a golden aura upon doing so. This signifies that they are charging up to use an immensely powerful attack which will be used on their next turn.
These powerful enemy skills are rarely used in battle and are usually performed when foes, particularly bosses, are at very low health.
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Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Game Guides
Collectible Guides

General Collectibles
Mimans List | Talismans List |
Demon Statues List | Abscesses List |
Amalgams List | Periapts List |
Aogami Husks List | Cirronup Fox Demons List |
Demon Navigators List | - |
Map Collectibles by Region
Minato Map Collectibles List | Shinagawa Map Collectibles List |
Chiyoda Map Collectibles List | Shinjuku Map Collectibles List |
Taito Map Collectibles List | - |
Beginner Guides

Basic Information
Pre-Order Bonuses | Game Editions |
DLC List and Information | Game Difficulty |
Game Controls | Gameplay Features and Changes |
Permanent Events and Missables | Save Data Transfer Bonuses |
PC System Objectives and Specs | Platform and System Differences |
How Long to Beat | Metacritic Reviews |
Differences with Persona Games | Differences with SMT Games |
Tips for Beginners | - |
Strategy Guides

Useful Information
Post-Game Unlockables | New Game Plus Unlockables |
Endings Routes Guide | Canon of Vengeance Route Guide |
Fast Leveling Guide | Money Farming Guide |
Glory Farming Guide | Incense Farming Guide |
Sutra Farming Guide | Battle System Guide |
Virtual Trainer Battle Guide | - |
Tier List Guides
How-to Guides
Nahobino Guides
Stats Guide | Attributes Guide |
Skill Types Guide | Status Effects Guide |
Magatsuhi Skills Guide | Skill Potential Guide |
Essences Guide | Moon Phase System Guide |
Relic Items Guide | Nahobino Forms Guide |
Demon Guides
World of Shadows Guide | Cadaver's Hollow Guide |
Demon Fusion Table Guide | Demon Negotiation Guide |
Mitama Demons Guide | Unlockable Demons List |
Special Fusions List | Special Conversations List |
Demon Navigator Guide | Guest Characters Guide |
Magatsuhi Demon Guide | Demon Haunt Guide |
Original Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List | Challenge Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List |
Game Database

General Database
Items List | Demon Skills List |
Bosses List | Demons List |
Item Database
Battle Items List | Boost Items List |
Dungeon Items List | Essence Items List |
Relic Items List | Key Items List |
Demon Skill Database
Physical Skills List | Magic Skills List |
Instant Death Skills List | Ailment Skills List |
Recovery Skills List | Support Skills List |
Passive Skills List | Magatsuhi Skills List |
Miracle Skills List | - |
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