Moon Phase System Guide for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance)
The Moon Phase system is the constantly changing state of the game world in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance) which affects elements both in and out of combat. You can check the current Moon Phase by looking at the upper left corner of the screen while exploring Da’at or when battling enemies in the game.
Effects of the Moon Phase
Below are elements influenced by the Moon Phase in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.
- Behavior of enemy demons during battle.
- Conversation outcomes during Demon Negotiation.
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Types of Moon Phases
The Moon Phase cycles through a total of 16 moon phases. It begins at the New Moon state. Once the Moon has undergone 4 phases, the Moon state will reach a Half Moon. After 4 more phases (resulting in a total of 8), a Full Moon state occurs. From this point, the Moon Phase will start to “power down” by going through 8 more phases, ending in a New Moon state once again to complete the entire 16-phase cycle.
Note that the Moon Phase progresses when you are exploring the field and during battle which can create both advantageous and disadvantageous situations in the game.
Full Moon Phase Differences from Other SMT Games
Full Moon Phase does not affect the rarity of items obtained from chests.
Unlike previous SMT games (particularly Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne) a Full Moon will not affect the rarity of items you get from treasure chests in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. The loot you get from opening chests is always the same regardless of moon phase.
Full Moon Phase does not affect the amount of Glory obtained from amalgams.
The Glory rewarded for finding amalgams is also fixed and will not increase if you interact with them during a Full Moon.
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Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Game Guides
Collectible Guides

General Collectibles
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Demon Statues List | Abscesses List |
Amalgams List | Periapts List |
Aogami Husks List | Cirronup Fox Demons List |
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Map Collectibles by Region
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Chiyoda Map Collectibles List | Shinjuku Map Collectibles List |
Taito Map Collectibles List | - |
Beginner Guides

Basic Information
Pre-Order Bonuses | Game Editions |
DLC List and Information | Game Difficulty |
Game Controls | Gameplay Features and Changes |
Permanent Events and Missables | Save Data Transfer Bonuses |
PC System Objectives and Specs | Platform and System Differences |
How Long to Beat | Metacritic Reviews |
Differences with Persona Games | Differences with SMT Games |
Tips for Beginners | - |
Strategy Guides

Useful Information
Post-Game Unlockables | New Game Plus Unlockables |
Endings Routes Guide | Canon of Vengeance Route Guide |
Fast Leveling Guide | Money Farming Guide |
Glory Farming Guide | Incense Farming Guide |
Sutra Farming Guide | Battle System Guide |
Virtual Trainer Battle Guide | - |
Tier List Guides
How-to Guides
Nahobino Guides
Stats Guide | Attributes Guide |
Skill Types Guide | Status Effects Guide |
Magatsuhi Skills Guide | Skill Potential Guide |
Essences Guide | Moon Phase System Guide |
Relic Items Guide | Nahobino Forms Guide |
Demon Guides
World of Shadows Guide | Cadaver's Hollow Guide |
Demon Fusion Table Guide | Demon Negotiation Guide |
Mitama Demons Guide | Unlockable Demons List |
Special Fusions List | Special Conversations List |
Demon Navigator Guide | Guest Characters Guide |
Magatsuhi Demon Guide | Demon Haunt Guide |
Original Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List | Challenge Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List |
Game Database

General Database
Items List | Demon Skills List |
Bosses List | Demons List |
Item Database
Battle Items List | Boost Items List |
Dungeon Items List | Essence Items List |
Relic Items List | Key Items List |
Demon Skill Database
Physical Skills List | Magic Skills List |
Instant Death Skills List | Ailment Skills List |
Recovery Skills List | Support Skills List |
Passive Skills List | Magatsuhi Skills List |
Miracle Skills List | - |
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