All Shinjuku Region Map Collectibles in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT5V)
Below is a list of Shinjuku Region map collectibles in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT 5: Vengeance, SMT5V). Collectibles are listed by type and order of appearance in main story.
General Collectibles
▼All SMT V: Vengeance General Collectibles | |
Miman Cirronups List | Mimans List |
Talismans List | Abscesses List |
Amalgams List | Demon Statues List |
Periapts List | Aogami Husks List |
Demon Navigators List | – |
Map Collectibles by Region
▼All SMT V: Vengeance Collectibles by Region | |
Minato Map Collectibles List | Shinagawa Map Collectibles List |
Chiyoda Map Collectibles List | Shinjuku Map Collectibles List |
Taito Map Collectibles List | – |
Miman Cirronup List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Cirronup | Location |
Shinjuku Cirronup | West Shinjuku 2nd Block: From the West Shinjuku 2nd Block leyline fount, go southwest and pinpoint the building where you found a previous Miman. Make your way to reach the bridge above and cross it to go north. Find a preceding building and cross the edge carefully to reach the other side. Find the fox demon who sells the Shinjuku Miman Map in exchange for 20,000 Macca. |
SMT V: Vengeance Miman Cirronup List and Locations
Miman List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Coming Soon!
SMT V: Vengeance Miman List and Locations
Talisman List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Coming Soon!
SMT V: Vengeance Talisman List and Locations
Abscess List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Coming Soon!
SMT V: Vengeance Abscess List and Locations
Amalgam List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Coming Soon!
SMT V: Vengeance Amalgam List and Locations
Petrified Demon Statue List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Petrified Demon Statue | Location |
Pellaidh Demon Statue #14-CoV |
Nozuchi Demon Statue #15-CoV |
Halphas Demon Statue #16-CoV |
Fenrir Demon Statue #17-CoV |
SMT V: Vengeance Petrified Demon Statue and Locations
Periapt List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Periapt | Location |
Shadow Warrior Periapt #14-CoV |
Mischievous Mascot Periapt #15-CoV |
SMT V: Vengeance Periapt List and Locations
Aogami Husk List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Aogami Husk | Location |
Shinjuku Gyoen Aogami Husk #10-CoV |
Yoyogi Aogami Husk #11-CoV |
Kabukicho Aogami Husk #12-CoV |
West Shinjuku 1st Block Aogami Husk #13-CoV |
SMT V: Vengeance Aogami Husk List and Locations
Demon Navigator List and Locations (Vengeance Route only)
Below are the collectibles found in this region:
Coming Soon!
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Recommended Article List

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Game Guides
Collectible Guides

General Collectibles
Mimans List | Talismans List |
Demon Statues List | Abscesses List |
Amalgams List | Periapts List |
Aogami Husks List | Cirronup Fox Demons List |
Demon Navigators List | - |
Map Collectibles by Region
Minato Map Collectibles List | Shinagawa Map Collectibles List |
Chiyoda Map Collectibles List | Shinjuku Map Collectibles List |
Taito Map Collectibles List | - |
Beginner Guides

Basic Information
Pre-Order Bonuses | Game Editions |
DLC List and Information | Game Difficulty |
Game Controls | Gameplay Features and Changes |
Permanent Events and Missables | Save Data Transfer Bonuses |
PC System Objectives and Specs | Platform and System Differences |
How Long to Beat | Metacritic Reviews |
Differences with Persona Games | Differences with SMT Games |
Tips for Beginners | - |
Strategy Guides

Useful Information
Post-Game Unlockables | New Game Plus Unlockables |
Endings Routes Guide | Canon of Vengeance Route Guide |
Fast Leveling Guide | Money Farming Guide |
Glory Farming Guide | Incense Farming Guide |
Sutra Farming Guide | Battle System Guide |
Virtual Trainer Battle Guide | - |
Tier List Guides
How-to Guides
Nahobino Guides
Stats Guide | Attributes Guide |
Skill Types Guide | Status Effects Guide |
Magatsuhi Skills Guide | Skill Potential Guide |
Essences Guide | Moon Phase System Guide |
Relic Items Guide | Nahobino Forms Guide |
Demon Guides
World of Shadows Guide | Cadaver's Hollow Guide |
Demon Fusion Table Guide | Demon Negotiation Guide |
Mitama Demons Guide | Unlockable Demons List |
Special Fusions List | Special Conversations List |
Demon Navigator Guide | Guest Characters Guide |
Magatsuhi Demon Guide | Demon Haunt Guide |
Original Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List | Challenge Mode Virtual Trainer Battles List |
Game Database

General Database
Items List | Demon Skills List |
Bosses List | Demons List |
Item Database
Battle Items List | Boost Items List |
Dungeon Items List | Essence Items List |
Relic Items List | Key Items List |
Demon Skill Database
Physical Skills List | Magic Skills List |
Instant Death Skills List | Ailment Skills List |
Recovery Skills List | Support Skills List |
Passive Skills List | Magatsuhi Skills List |
Miracle Skills List | - |
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