Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) - Mission 1 – Nero Walkthrough

A complete walklthrough for Mission 1 - Nero in Devil May Cry 5, including mission objectives, boss strategy guides, obtainable weapons, and orb locations.

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough

Mission 1 – Nero Walkthrough


Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough


Devil May Cry 5 - Nero IconNero Devil May Cry 5 - Nico IconNico

Obtainable Items

Item Location
Gold Orb Bridge tower
Blue Orb Under the bridge

Area: Red Grave Bridge

1 Watch the cutscene: Nero and Nico driving toward Red Grave city.
2 Read the tutorials for “Devil Breaker” and “Break Age.”
3 Use “Devil Breaker” against “insect-like” lesser demons, Red Empusa.
4 Read the tutorial for “Wire Snatch”.
5 Perform a “Break Age” and “Wire Snatch” against Spiky Tentacle demons.
6 Locate and obtain the Gold Orb from the bridge tower.
7 Cross through the debris and pass the broken section of the bridge.
8 Battle with the Red Empusa, Spiky Tentacle, and Green Empusa blocking your way.
9 Locate and obtain the Blue Orb under the bridge.
10 Watch the cutscene: “Blood-slicked Vegetation” Qlipoth Roots boss introduction.
11 Read the tutorial for “Exceed” and “Dodging.”
12 Perform “Exceed” and “Dodging” against Qlipoth Roots boss.
13 Boss battle with Qlipoth Roots boss commences.

Mission 1 – Nero Walkthrough Strategy

3) Read the tutorials for “Devil Breaker” and “Break Age”

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough

 5) Perform a “Break Age” and “Wire Snatch” against Spiky Tentacle demons.

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough

Nero can easily defeat the lesser demons he encounters. However, if you cannot manage fighting more than one enemy at a time, avoid lumping them together. As for the Spiky Tentacles, move around while attacking to avoid getting hit by the spikes. You could also dodge sideways if you are already familiar with the move. Hold R1 (Lock-On) + Left analog stick (Move) + X (Jump.)

6) Locate and obtain the Gold Orb from the bridge tower.

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough

If you cannot acquire the Gold Orb, you can revisit this mission after obtaining more abilities and Devil Breakers. This will make reaching it much easier.

8) Cross through the debris and pass through the broken section of the bridge.

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough

9) Locate and obtain Blue Orb under the bridge.

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 1 - Nero Walkthrough

13) Battle with Qlipoth Roots boss commences.

Devil May Cry 5 - Qlipoth Roots Boss

The boss looks like an Overmind from StarCraft with Spiky Tentacles. Focus all of Nero’s attacks on the core while avoiding the Spiky Tentacles. If you dodge your way away from the core, use your ranged attacks while trying to get reapproach. Also, don’t forget to charge up your “Exceed” gauge to deal additional damage.

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