Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) - Cavaliere Angelo Boss Guide (2nd Encounter)

A boss guide on Cavaliere Angelo 2nd Encounter in Devil May Cry 5, including the boss' attacks, behavior, and strategies on defeating it.

Cavaliere Angelo 2nd Encounter


An illusion weaker than Cavaliere Angelo. Despite being inferior, he employs a combination of melee and ranged tactics. Cavaliere Angelo can additionally guard against your attacks when up close. One of his wings will shift into a shield to block your attacks when you approach.


Cavaliere Angelo swings his sword once. To dodge it, perform a Farthest Move.

Double Strike

The boss swings its sword twice. Execute a Farthest Move to avoid.

Triple Strike

Similar to Double Strike with an added third swing.

Quadruple Strike

Similar to the Triple Strike with an added fourth swing.

Sudden Slash

Cavaliere Angelo prepares to attack by charging its blade before thrusting and slashing. Time it well with a Farthest Move to avoid the impact.

Lightning Charge

The boss will retract its wings in the air. It will then start to channel lightning energy through its sword. This attack deals no damage but signifies that Cavaliere Angelo will begin using ranged attacks from here on out.

Lightning Bolt

After imbuing its sword with lightning, Cavaliere Angelo will throw three thunderbolts. Evade with Farthest Move.


Cavaliere Angelo shoots three homing thunderbolts. Before the attack appears, the floor under V and his familiar will shine purple. Check the ground and execute a Farthest Move to avoid getting electrocuted.


Pay Attention to Distance

Cavaliere Angelo is adept with melee attacks but will not hesitate to shoot lightning bolts after endowing his weapon. Familiarize yourself with its attack pattern and send Griffon to whittle down its health as you continue to dodge. Conversely, have Griffon carry you away when the boss goes on a rampage.

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