Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) - Malphas Boss Guide

A boss guide for Malphas in Devil May Cry 5, including the boss' attacks and strategies on how to defeat it.


Malphas specializes in long-range attacks during his first phase. However, after its HP falls to 2/3, it switches to melee combat.

Wormhole Attack

Malphas summons a wormhole in the air where his head or feet will come out to deal damage. To dodge it, perform a side roll.

Wormhole Attack 2

A variation of its first attack, Malphas does the same move as before, only this time finishes they move by coming out from it. You can dodge this attack by executing a side roll or by jumping.

Wormhole Warp

This attack does not deal damage, instead forcing you to play mindgames with Malphas. It enables Malphas to warp to another location.

Thorn Strike

Sends a rose and unleashes spikes to prick Nero. Perform a side roll to dodge it.

Spiny Missiles

Three purple balls appear on top of it before it sends homing missiles at Nero. Execute a side roll to dodge them.


Upon regaining consciousness, Malphas charges recklessly at Nero in an attempt to crush him. Perform a side roll to dodge it safely.

Ground Headbutt

Upon regaining consciousness, it will slam you with its huge head. A side roll is enough to avoid the impact.

Charge → Jump

A follow-up of its charge attack, Malphas will go on a rampage and leap to the air multiple times. After doing a side roll to dodge its Charge, perform another to avoid it.


When its HP falls to about 1/3, the boss will burrow into the ground and cause an earthquake.Malphas slowly regains its HP while burrowing. Knock it down while its weak spot is exposed to stop its recovery.


Strike it from afar

Seek out a vantage point and strike it with a combination of Blue Rose and Punch Line moves.

Nail a Melee Combo Follow-Up

When the boss is about to recover from being pinned down, deal a blow to the head and chain a melee attack.

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