[PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds / PUBG] Recommended Assault Rifle Mods

This article contains what are the recommended assault rifle mods in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds [PUBG]. We’ll update this more when more weapons and mods appear.

Recommended Assault Rifle Mods

Players favour Assault Rifles due to their ability of selective fire. They can either burst an opponent with a stream of shots, take down with a single head shot, or unleash a full-automatic blast of bullets. As the players use Assault Rifles, they also come with Assault Rifle Mods. These mods (short for “modifications”) are what enhance the over-all performance of Assault Rifles in-game. If two players fight with the same gun, one of the players will win due to the mod. The assault rifle mods provides a “technicality” and an “advantage” if the player equips the best one.

Vertical Grip/ Angled Grip

These particular assault rifle mods improve the stability and lessen the recoil on the gun. It reduces the aiming time of the player, granting the player more reaction time. However, the angled grip improves more the aim than the stability. While some players prefer using Angled Grip, others prefer improving the stability to optimize the assault rifle. 


The common element among the three is that it provides stealth and an advantage of lowering recoil. Suppressors do as their name states; they suppress the sound of the assault rifle‘s gun fire. Hence, severely limiting the opponent’s ability to locate the player. These are for players who prefer camping or sneaking up on opponents to give them a headshot.


The compensator on the other hand reduces recoil and is excellent for point-blank shots. Because guns recoil from the shock of the bullet, the compensator will reduce the incoming recoil to keep the shot accurate. However, players would prioritize suppressors more due to the increased utility of the assault rifle.

Flash Hider

Flash Hiders on the other hand are a hybrid of the compensator and the suppressor. While it’s not confirmed as to how much it can suppress, the degree of compensation for recoil is at the same level that of the compensator.

Extended Magazine

Nobody wants to run around without bullets. Reloading also takes a long time.

Extended mag – Simply more useful than a Quickdraw mag. Having those extra bullets at the ready fundamentally means that they’re ready to fire, rather than reloading more quickly.

2x 4x or 8x scopes

Assault rifles truly shine with decent optics. If players equip these particular assault rifle mods then, the player will open himself to a more versatile strategy. The increased magnification allows the player to attack from a distance and the selective fire allows increased versatility.

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