Death Stranding - Limited Edition Controller Features

The Limited Edition Death Stranding PS4 Pro bundle includes a special controller to interact with the game's Bridge Baby.

Death Stranding - BB Controller

Death Stranding BB Pod Controller

The Limited Edition Death Stranding Playstation 4 Pro bundle was announced in Sony’s State of Play event on September 24th, 2019. Perhaps the most interesting item included in the package is the translucent DualShock 4 controller inspired by the game’s Bridge Baby pod. As revealed on the Playstation blog, the special controller comes with a unique feature. It can be rocked gently to emulate the feeling of holding the BB pod in the hands.

Game director Hideo Kojima tweeted on September 27th that the mysterious infant can also speak through the “BBish controller.” This is likely to enhance the experience of interacting with BB by hearing its voice through the gamepad’s speakers.

It is implied by the tweet that the special feature will only be available on the special controller. Both the limited edition bundle and the game itself will come out on November 8th.

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