This is A Noob Plays PUBG Episode 6. Here you will learn all about the sad and pathetic adventures of a noob trying to survive Erangel!
Welcome to A Noob Plays PUBG Episode 6! Please give this poor sap some advice if you can!
Session #1
This session started pretty decently. My friend, Oct and I landed near Pochinki, where there were only a few lurkers lying around. After looting a hefty amount of guns and ammo and equipment, we decided to head deeper into the circle.
We managed to get to the end game by hugging the circle. As the blue field started closing in, we were slowly losing more and more space, and we had to head deeper into the circle. This was when hell started to break loose. We spotted a tango by the trees, and he gunned down my squadmate and knocked him out. I stupidly charged towards him and started unleashing hell before he could react–he fell before I could get knocked out myself.
Anyway we healed up and regrouped, managing to transfer to another location nearer to the circle, but found ourselves surrounded by players who were doing the same thing. Climbing up the hill proved to be our demise. RIP and GG.
Session #2
This time we found ourselves near a small compound. There was enough guns and ammo for my auto-matched squadmates, but none for me, so I didn’t have a lot of equipment until about ten minutes later. I found a shotgun and a UMP9.
After looting most of the small town, we headed near a house nearby overlooking the riverside, and a couple of other players ambushed us. I took cover but I managed to take a lot of damage–not enough to get knocked out. Anyway, I took out the foe that had knocked down one of my squadmates.
It was at this time that another enemy dropped by and almost opened fire when I shot her until she had died.
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