This page contains the update directory for the latest patch notes. added content, game modes, weapons, bug fixes and updates in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG).
Updates Directory
Week 20 Patch Notes
- Optimized game performance for 6-core or higher CPU
- Optimized UI
- Decreased motorbike engine and vehicle skid sound volumes
- Improved character animation when using throwables while prone
- Fixed a bug that occasionally disabled voice chat on the Starting Island
- Fixed a bug that caused your character to stand before crouching when revived
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from rebinding Unarm to an alternate key
- You can now see the mark from the character you are spectating on both the Mini Map and World Map
- Fixed a visual bug with the scope while a character you are spectating is prone on a hill
- Fixed a bug caused by changing “Graphics” – “Quality” – “Effects” from Settings
- Improved the wrist positions on the steering wheel
Click here to read more.
Month 4 Patch Notes
- Added new weapon Mk14 EBR. Mk14 EBR is a Designated Marksman Rifle that can only be obtained from Carepackages. This weapon is chambered for 7.62mm and sniper rifle attachments.
- Fixed an issue of weapons sporadically ceasing to fire despite being set to auto firing mode.
- You may not use consumables in vehicles underwater.
- Added more features and hot keys to the Options Menu.
- Added new option for V-Sync.
Week 18 Patch Notes

- A bug in partially destroyed doors that cause players to get stuck
- A bug that causes the door interaction UI to appear despite the door being already destroyed
- Consumables can now be used while going through the inventory between reloads
- A bug which prevents players from picking up an item while moving even though the looting animation has been triggered
- A bug that causes oplayers to shake during spectator mode while moving
Click here to read more.
Month 3 Patch Notes
- Improved server performance
- Added new weapons namely, “Groza” and “P18C”
- Modification of various weapons such as adding burst mode to Vector and UMP were implemented as well
- Two kinds of weather added namely “Dusk” and “Sunny Weather”
- In-game improvements such as vehicles turning to random direction when spawned
- Changed some user interface in the game
- Fixed various bugs
Week 12 Patch Notes

- Improved server performance degrading under certain conditions
- Improved client performance during long distance battles
- Fixed various bugs including bug that consumes more ammunition than reloaded ammunition
Week 11 Patch Notes

- Fix server performance particularly on improvement of physics engine on game server
- Improve overall client performance
- Fixed various bugs
Week 10 Patch Notes

- Fixed server performance on vehicle and effects when crashing
- Fixed various bugs such as crash bugs when unpacking items and incorrect breath gauge
- Fixed a bug where players die when they get stuck in buildings or vehicles
Month 2 Patch Notes

- Add content “VSS” and “Motorbike”
- Improved client performance in rendering
- Character animation’s performance has also been improved
- Various fixes related to game play such as decreasing moving speed of the last two-phase play zone
- Increased bullet damage for some weapons
Related Articles
- New Battle Royale-inspired Players Skins in Week 18 Update
- PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) on the Playstation 4
- New Weapon Mk14 EBR Revealed!
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