Tales of Arise - Perk List

List of all innate Perks in Tales of Arise, including their description and effects when used against enemies in the game.

Tales of Arise - Perk List

All Perks in Tales of Arise

Tales of Arise - Perk List

Here is a list of perks for each playable character in Tales of Arise, including how to trigger them during battle.

Perk Perk Effect
Flaming Edge Alphen can sacrifice HP to use a Flaming Edge, a strong, wide-reaching Blazing Sword attack. To do so hold △/y, □/x, or ◌/b, which will trigger a Flaming  Edge after he performs the corresponding arte. Flaming Edge moves cost no AG to use.
Flaming Edge moves have the added bonus of dealing extra damage to downed enemies. Plus, after learning a certain skill, you can continue to hold the button longer, letting you exchange more of Alphen’s HP for more power.
Sniper Blast If you hold the button to throw a bomb, you’ll fire special ammo at a bomb after releasing it, making it detonate more strongly. Special ammo, shown to the right of AG, can be reloaded with R1/RB when at 0, or by pressing L2/LT and R1/RB at any time.
Magic Charging While casting an arte, press and hold the arte button to delay activation until you let go. You can also press R1/RB in this state to save it for later and charge it. Charged artes activate after your next attack/arte, and can be used in combos.
If you cast the same arte the one currently charged, they’ll combine into a higher tier spell. These can include artes that Rinwell has yet to learn or only trigger with specific combinations, so experiment and see what different pairs yield!
Awakening When Law keeps attacking without getting staggered by any enemy attacks, his concentration buildings, raising his Attack and Elemental Attack. This Awakened state wears off upon being staggered or failing to land any hits for a certain period.
Guard Ignition Instead of evading, Kisara prefers to guard with her shield and can even trigger some artes while guarding. Successfully guarding raises her morale, making any artes unleashed while guarding and resulting combos stronger and harder to block.
Rod Extension If Dohalim perfect evades an enemy attack, his senses become heightened and his rod will gain momentum, greatly extending his range. His Penetration will also rise, letting him interrupt enemies and land critical hits on them more often.

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