Tales of Arise - Status and Parameters Guide

A guide on character status, and parameters in Tales of Arise, including a basic description of each character stat in the game.

Tales of Arise - Status and Parameters Guide

Status and Parameters Guide in Tales of Arise

Tales of Arise - Status and Parameters Guide

Each party member’s battle performance in Tales of Arise is influenced by the value of their status and parameters. When a character levels up, the stats and parameters will increase but the value varies per party member. Boost the parameter of each even further by wearing strong weapons, armor, and accessories.

Parameter Details
Level Goes up with EXP, raising every stat but AG.
HP A character’s vitality; when this hits zero value, the character is knocked out.
Arte Gauge (AG) Spent when using artes; replenishes automatically.
Attack Affects the damage you do with non-elemental attacks.
Elemental Attack Affects the damage you do with elemental attacks.
Penetration Makes a character’s attacks more likely to trigger interrupts and critical hits.
Defense Affects the damage you take from non-elemental attacks.
Elemental Defense Affects the damage you take from elemental attacks.
Resistance Makes a character less likely to be interrupted when attacked, and less likely to take critical hits.

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