Days Gone - Ambush Camp Guide

A list of Ambush Camps that Deacon can visit in Days Gone.

Ambush Camp

Ambush Camps are occupied settlements in Days Gone. Once the game releases in North America, we will provide a list of all ambush camps.

Unlike Encampments where you can have some period of respite from hunts and dangerous encounters, Ambush Camps are occupied by human enemies. When you reach these locations, you will receive an objective to defeat a certain number of occupants before you can safely loot the area. The best way to take them out is to stealthily do so one by one. You can also loot corpses for supplies and ammunition in between kills.

Bunker Entrance

When the coast is clear, you can now safely enter the Bunkers. Look around the camp for a hatch and climb down the ladder to reach the underground area. Search the bunkers to gather some intel.

Ambush Camp List

Location Storyline
Drifters on the Mountain Gear Up for the Ride/Ripped Apart
No Starving Patriots Gear Up for the Ride
Smoke on the Mountain He’s my Brother
Belknap Cave Ambush Camp Hunter
Horse Creek World’s End

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