Days Gone - Fast Travel Guide

A guide on how to Fast Travel in Days Gone. It includes how its used, its purpose, and its restrictions.

Fast Travel

Using fast travel instantly warps Deacon to certain locations, like encampments, nests, or ambush camps.

How to fast travel

Bring out the map and tap the desired encampment you wish to visit. You need to be close enough to your bike to fast travel.


Reach locations instantly

You can reach locations instantly using fast travel, regardless of your distance from it.

Time advances

To mimic a realistic passage of time, the time that passes during your fast travel is relative to your distance travelled.

Uses gasoline

Even though it does not have an animation, using fast travel consumes gasoline. Be sure to carry enough for the trip.

Restrictions to fast travel

Marked location is locked

You need to visit a location before you can use it as a fast travel definition. If the territory is occupied by enemies, you need to defeat them before you can access the location on your map.

During combat

When you engage in combat against an enemy, you are not allowed to exit from the battle by fast traveling.

Out of fuel

If your tank is empty, you cannot fast travel. You can obtain some fuel by heading to a gas station.

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