Days Gone - Skill Directory

Information about Deacon's skills in Days Gone. Includes an explanation on skills and skill acquisition.


In Days Gone, Skills are distributed into three different skill trees, Melee, Ranged, and Survival. Each set of skills puts emphasis on certain factors such as combat or inventory management. You can learn a total of 45 different skills by meeting certain requirements.

Melee Skills

The first skill tree employs using weapons suited for close quarters.

Melee Skills

Ranged Skills

The second skill tree focuses on using guns and ranged weapons.

Ranged Skills

Survival Skills

The last skill tree puts a premium on gathering supplies and managing stamina.

Survival Skills

Skill Tree

Each skill tree consists of five columns. Each column contains three skills. You unlock the first column by default. To get the next column of skills, you need to unlock two skills in the first. The number of required skills needed to unlock the next column gradually grows. For example, you need to unlock four skills in the second column to unlock the third.


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