Death Stranding - What is a Q-Pid?

A Q-Pid is a necklace that Sam wears which holds a series of equations. It is used to access strands that were established in the chiral network.


A Q-Pid is a necklace that Sam wears throughout his journey. It is comprised of six tags, each tag holding an equation. Currently, Sam is the only known person to possess a Q-Pid. Those who have the equations are able to access established coordinates from the Chiral network.


Below is a list of equations that correspond to the ones shown on Sam’s necklace.

  • Reaction-diffusion
  • Dirac
  • Higgs field
  • Einstein field
  • Quantum entanglement state
  • Schwartzschild radius

In summary, the six equations can be attributed to both quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Replica of a Q-Pid

Two years ago, Kojima posted a tweet to promote a replica of a Q-Pid. According to Kojima, the replica was first made using titanium. However, it was later changed to “super duralumin” due to metal making it a lighter weight and more affordable than the prototype.

What this could mean

At a glance, someone mentioned on reddit that these equations are related to both quantum mechanics and general relativity. What’s interesting about these two branches is that they clash with one another. On one hand, we have quantum mechanics, which deals with events that occur in jumps or “leaps.” On the other, we have general relativity, which states that events are “continuous and deterministic.” In another thread on reddit, someone brought up the connection between Sam and Cliff. We know that Sam works for Bridges, a group that serves to unify the divided states. We also know that Cliff is an antagonist and that he has the word “BLACKHOLE” engraved on his gun. The “leaps” could possibly be the “black holes” that we attribute to Cliff and the “continuous” represents the group Bridges.

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