What is Larvitar?
Larvitar is a Ground / Rock type Pokemon that originally appeared on Pokemon Gold and Silver. It has a decent move pool and good stats, and it has a strong evolutionary line.
Its final evolution, Tyranitar, is a heavy-hitting, physical damage-dealing Pokemon that also has good defense. Even in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, it is a strong addition to your team.
Where do you find Larvitar?
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, you can encounter Larvitar at Diglett’s Tunnel. As such, players can capture it early in the game. However, it has a 10% encounter rate, so you have to spend quite some time running around the area until you battle it.
Once you’ve captured it, have it earn experience in order to evolve it into Pupitar and Tyranitar. Its final evolution is an extremely strong ally your Alolan team.
Rare Pokemon Location List
Rare Pokemon Name | ||
Pichu - Pikachu | Mimikyu | Bagon |
Buneary | Zorua | Furfrou |
Hawlucha | Corsola | Clamperl |
Eevee | Tauros | Miltank |
Alomomola | Feebas | Staryu |
Kangaskhan | Magby | Cubone |
Chinchou - Lanturn | Pinsir | Passimian |
Oranguru | Larvitar | Skarmory |
Ditto | Minior | Beldum |
Elekid | Houndoom | Manectric |
Bruxish | Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Sandshrew |
Klefki | Pawniard - Bisharp | Dedenne |
Togedemaru | Tortunator | Trapinch |
Gabite | Dhelmise | Gastrodon |
Lapras | Carvanha | Relicanth |
Jangmo-o | Corphish | Drampa |
Sableye | Abra | Basculin |
Castform | Vanillite |
holy this will take long to get, god it is rare
Thank you so much I am so happy it worked
first encounter lol
5th Pokemon was a Larvitar! So lucky
It took me 7 hours to catch one
I used 3 hours to encounter one, super bad luck!
That sucks I found one my first try and now looking for a shiny one
The first encounter when I went into Digletts tunnel was a larvitar! I decided to look it up to see if it was a common one in the tunnel but then I saw the 10% drop rate. I’m so happy