Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Lillie Revealed!
With Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon gathering hype, there have been some leaks revealed. Some of these leaks include new clothes, new get-up, and also possibly new Z-Moves. But there’s a bit of an addition here. One being that Lillie revealed that she hasn’t changed her form even after departing for Kanto. However, there have also been some teasers that Lillie revealed herself as a pokemon trainer.

However, players are also assuming that majority of the plotline hasn’t changed. Other players added that Lillie revealed herself as a Pokemon Trainer later on in the story. Teasers and rumours along with the trailer have revealed that she did become a pokemon trainer. There’s a certain poster that has her appear more in her Z-Form alongside Cosmog.
What does it mean?
For us trainers, it means that she may retain her usual support role to the hero as they journey through Alola. However, we’re not sure if she completely stay in that role. Pokemon Ultra Sun Moon Lillie may even have more spunk than she did the last time. In her last appearance in the prequel, she promised the protagonist that she would become a pokemon trainer. Hence, her abandoning of Nebby into the hero’s care. However, take note that there are some who also add that this world of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon is an alternate dimension. After Lillie approaches the altar of Lunala/Solgaleo (depending which one you played), both the player and Lillie fall into a dark dimension.
From there, players assumed that this may be where Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon may begin. But as of now, nobody is sure if she’ll stay the way she is or move on. But there’s one thing for sure: we’ll find out when Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon comes out on November 11, 2017.
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