What is Alola Vulpix?
The original Vulpix is a Fire-type Pokemon that appeared in the different regions across the Pokemon series. However, upon coming to the Alola Region, Vulpix adapted to a new form known as the Alola form. It now becomes an Ice type Pokemon with its fur becoming white to blend with the snow on the mountains. Even as it evolves, it then evolves into Alola Ninetales. As Alola Ninetales, it has access to cold fires that freeze the soul into crystals.
How to find Alola Vulpix
- Check the grassy areas around Tapu Village in Ula’ula Island.
- If not in Tapu Village, check around the grass in Mount Lanakila.
- This pokemon however is only available in Pokemon Ultra Sun. If you’re playing Pokemon Ultra Moon, you’ll need to trade for Alola Vulpix.
Rare Pokemon Location List
Rare Pokemon Name | ||
Pichu - Pikachu | Mimikyu | Bagon |
Buneary | Zorua | Furfrou |
Hawlucha | Corsola | Clamperl |
Eevee | Tauros | Miltank |
Alomomola | Feebas | Staryu |
Kangaskhan | Magby | Cubone |
Chinchou - Lanturn | Pinsir | Passimian |
Oranguru | Larvitar | Skarmory |
Ditto | Minior | Beldum |
Elekid | Houndoom | Manectric |
Bruxish | Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Sandshrew |
Klefki | Pawniard - Bisharp | Dedenne |
Togedemaru | Tortunator | Trapinch |
Gabite | Dhelmise | Gastrodon |
Lapras | Carvanha | Relicanth |
Jangmo-o | Corphish | Drampa |
Sableye | Abra | Basculin |
Castform | Vanillite |
so cute
how do i trade for an Alolan vulpix in ultra moon and where
most likely you will want this from the GTS in the Festival Plaza, just look up vulpix. you can also trade with friends
How do i need to trade with vulpix?
Thank you