Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins Walkthrough

A complete walkthrough and guide for Shimmering Ruins in Trials of Mana Remake. Included also are list of items, enemies, and strategies.

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins Walkthrough

Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins

Trials of Mana Remake Walkthroughs

Story Objectives

Here is a summary of objectives needed to be accomplished in this chapter:

Objective Summary
Defeat the Benevodons Explore the Shimmering Ruins for items and gold. Then, look for the Benevodon of Light, Lightgazer.
Defeat Lightgazer Defeat the Benevodon of Light, Lightgazer, in Shimmering Ruins.

Obtainable Items

Here is a list of items that can be acquired in this chapter:

Shimmering Ruins Items

Item Holder Location
Stardust Herb x1 Yellow Orb Northeast of the starting area
220 Lucre Yellow Orb In the lower southeast side of the ruins
Gold Item Seed x1 Treasure Chest In the lower southeast side of the ruins
Gold Item Seed x1 Treasure Chest In the lower east side of the ruins
Gold Item Seed x1 Treasure Chest In the lower east side of the ruins
Stardust Herb x1 Yellow Orb In the lower east side of the ruins
Chocolate x1 Yellow Orb In the lower northeast side of the ruins
Lightgazer’s Ring x1  Treasure Chest In the upper east side of the ruins
Silver Item Seed x1 Yellow Orb In the lower northeast side of the ruins
Honey Elixir x2 Treasure Chest In the upper east side of the ruins
Cup of Wishes x3 Treasure Chest In the upper northwest side of the ruins
N/A Lil’ Cactus #35 In the lower west side of the ruins
460 Lucre Yellow Orb In the lower southwest side of the ruins
2,500 Lucre Treasure Chest In the lower southwest side of the ruins
Chocolate x1 Yellow Orb In the lower west side of the ruins
260 Lucre Yellow Orb In the upper south side of the ruins
N/A Lil’ Cactus #36 In the lower south side of the ruins
??? Seed x1 Treasure Chest In the upper south side of the ruins
Gold Item Seed x1 Treasure Chest In the lower west side of the ruins
Honey Elixir x3 Treasure Chest In the lower east side of the ruins
Chocolate x1 Yellow Orb On the first pedestal
Stardust Herb x3 Treasure Chest On the east corner after jumping over two pedestals
340 Lucre Yellow Orb In the area below the two pedestals
4,000 Lucre Treasure Chest In the southwest side of the middle area
Cup of Wishes x3 Treasure Chest In the northwest side of the middle area


Here is a list of enemies encountered in this chapter (Level of enemies may scale with your party member’s current levels):

Shimmering Ruins Enemies

Enemy Level Location
Siren Lv.38 Shimmering Ruins
Magic Tezla Lv.38 Shimmering Ruins
Silver Knight Lv.38 Shimmering Ruins
Tanpole Lv.38 Shimmering Ruins
Marmpoto Lv.38 Shimmering Ruins
Dragodon Lv.38 Shimmering Ruins
Lightgazer Lv.42 Shimmering Ruins

Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins Walkthrough

Optional: Farm Class Change Seeds In Advance

Trials of Mana Remake - Class Change Seed farming

Woods of Wandara III

1 If you want to acquire ??? seeds in advance, you can go to Wandara Woods and hunt for Queeneeb enemies.
2 ??? Seeds are acquired in a low drop rate but you make use of chain abilities to reduce your seed farming time.
3 Attach the chain abilities “More Encounters” to reduce the Queeneeb spawn time and “Lucky Find” to increase item drop rate.
4 Once you acquired the seeds, head back to the Sanctuary of Mana. Turn-in the seeds to the magic pot and check the class change item if they match your class preference.

Defeat the Benevodons

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Defeat the Benevodons

Shimmering Ruins

1 From the starting area, look northeast to find the first yellow orb (Stardust Herb x1).
2 Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - CrystalHead north to find the gold mana statue underwater. Then, examine the first crystal and move east.
3 Defeat the enemies you encountered such as Siren (Level 46) and Magic Tezla (Level 46) enemies.
4 Go south and look for the the 2nd yellow orb (220 Lucre) and the 1st treasure chest (Gold Item Seed x1).
5 From your location, move north and see another group of enemies surrounding the 2nd treasure chest (Gold Item Seed x1) such as Silver Knight (Level 38), Tanpole (Level 38), and Dragodon (Level 38) enemies.
6 Enter the room and defeat Marmpoto (Level 38) enemies. After that, look for the 3rd treasure chest (Gold Item Seed x1) on the right.
7 Move left until you find the 3rd yellow orb (Stardust Herb x1). Then, go to the northeast side of the ruins.
8 Don’t go upstairs yet and run straight to find the 4th yellow orb (Chocolate x1) hidden on the left side.
9 Move upstairs and finish off the enemies. Then, find the 4th treasure chest (Lightgazer Ring x1) by going east and south.
10 Examine the second crystal and jump down near the broken pathway instead. Obtain the item from the 5th yellow orb (Silver Item Seed x1).
11 Jump down again and enter the previously blocked pathway. Go a little bit south to find the 5th treasure chest (Honey Elixir x2).
12 Go to the upper northeast area again and move west. When you reach the northwest end of the ruins, turn left before reach the dead end to find the 6th treasure chest (Cup of Wishes x3).
13 Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Lil' Cactus Location 35Reach the dead end of the northwest path and go south until you find the Lil’ Cactus #35 on the bridge.
14 Go east and follow through the path leading to the third crystal. Examine it and return to the location where you find the running cactus.
15 Move south and ignore the blocked area for now. Finish off the enemies in the southwest room. Then, look for the 6th yellow (460 Lucre) orb on the nearby stairs.
16 Jump down to the ledge and find the 7th treasure chest (2,500 Lucre).
17 Leave the southwest room and go east. Go down the stairs and look for he 7th yellow orb (Chocolate x1).
18 Follow through the pathway and your party will encounter the fourth crystal. Examine it and SAVE your current game to the now reachable gold mana statue.
19 Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Lil' Cactus Location 36Go south look for the 8th yellow orb (260 Lucre). Move further south to locate Lil’ Cactus #36 beside the pillars and boulders.
20 Move east from that location and go upstairs to discover the 8th treasure chest (??? Seed).
21 Return to the fifth crystal’s location. Before moving east, go a little north passing through the stairs.
22 The sixth crystal is located there and examine it. Move to the previously unreachable location west and look for the 9th treasure chest (Gold Item Seed x1).
23 Go back to the to the gold mana statue’s location and move further east. Look for the 10th treasure chest (Honey Elixir x3) in the the lower ledge. This is before reaching an open area in the east.
24 Return to the pathway leading to the unexplored middle area and proceed north.
25 Look on your right and find two pedestals. Jump over the first pedestal and grab the item from the 9th yellow orb (Chocolate x1).
26 Jump further east to find the 11th treasure chest (Stardust Herb x3).
27 Drop down to the area below the pedestals and find the 10th yellow orb (340 Lucre).
28 Return to the path and head to the unexplored middle area. Clear the enemies and grab the gold from the 12th treasure chest (4,000 Lucre) from the southwest section.
29 Go to the northwest section and grab the item from the 13th treasure chest (Cup of Wishes x3).
30 Return to the gold mana statue and SAVE your current game. Then, return to the middle area again and move north in order to face the first Benevodon.

Defeat Lightgazer

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer

Shimmering Ruins

1 Watch a cutscene.
2 Defeat Lightgazer. Avoid the range of its moves while you spend and build up your CS gauges to damage the boss.
Lightgazer Boss Guide
3 After defeating the boss, you will be transferred back to the starting area. Feel free to approach Chikeeta and Josephine again if you want to upgrade your weapons and equipment
4 If you have nothing else to do, summon Flamie and travel back to the Sanctuary of Mana to upgrade classes, to Merchant Town Beiser to resupply essential items, or to your next target location.

Optional: Change to Tier 3 Class

Trials of Mana Remake - Special Mana Statue

Sanctuary of Mana

1 Return to the Sanctuary of Mana and SAVE your current game using the gold mana statue nearby.
2 Turn-in Item Seeds and ??? Seeds to the magic pot beside the gold mana statue.
3 After getting the items. Check if the class change item you received is the one you desire for your character.
4 If you do, head to the special to class change a character into a Tier 3 class.
Class Change Guide
5 If not, leave the area and proceed to the overworld. Choose your next target location and defeat the next Benevodon.
6 Alternatively, you can visit Merchant Town Beiser at night to buy healing items, Faerie Walnuts, weapon enchant items, buff items, and debuff items.

Item Locations

Below are the in-game locations of the obtainable items in this chapter:

Shimmering Ruins Item Locations

In-Game Location Item and Location
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 1 Stardust Herb x1
Northeast of the starting area
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 2 220 Lucre
In the lower southeast side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 1 Gold Item Seed x1
In the lower southeast side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 2 Gold Item Seed x1
In the lower east side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 3 Gold Item Seed x1
In the lower east side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 3 Stardust Herb x1
In the lower east side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 4 Chocolate x1
In the lower northeast side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 4 Lightgazer Ring x1
In the upper east side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 5 Silver Item Seed x1
In the lower northeast side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 5 Honey Elixir x2
In the upper east side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 6 Cup of Wishes x3
In the upper northwest side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Lil' Cactus Location 35 Lil’ Cactus #35
In the lower west side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 6 460 Lucre
In the lower southwest side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 7 2,500 Lucre
In the lower southwest side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 7 Chocolate x1
In the lower west side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 8 260 Lucre
In the upper south side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Lil' Cactus Location 36 Lil’ Cactus #36
In the lower south side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 8 ??? Seed
In the upper south side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 9 Gold Item Seed x1
In the lower west side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 10 Honey Elixir x3
In the lower east side of the ruins
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 9 Chocolate x1
On the first pedestal
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 11 Stardust Herb x3
On the corner after jumping over two pedestals
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Orb Location 10 340 Lucre
In the area below the two pedestals
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 12 4,000 Lucre
In the southwest side of the middle area
Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Chest Location 13 Cup of Wishes x3
In the northwest side of the middle area

Tips and Strategies

Here is a list of the tips and strategies for this chapter:

Locate Lil’ Cactus #35 and #36

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Lil' Cactus Location 36

Before leaving ruins, make to locate Lil’ Cactus #35 and Lil’ Cactus #36 within the area.

All Lil’ Cactus Locations

Use Elemental Magic to Certain Enemies

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Use Elemental Magic

Some of the enemies encountered in this area are weak to elemental magic. We recommended capitalizing on them but you can also use other magic. For example, magic such as Wind can knockdown flying enemies. You can also use area-based magic to deal damage to multiple enemies beside each other.

Enemy Level Location
Siren Lv.38 Earth Element
Magic Tezla Lv.38 Dark Element
Silver Knight Lv.38 Dark Element
Tanpole Lv.38 ? Element
Marmpoto Lv.38 Dark Element
Dragodon Lv.38 ? Element

Buy New Weapons

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Weapon Shop

Visit the Chikeeta if you want to buy new weapons for your characters. The list of weapons for sale will change once you are past halfway in defeating the Benevodons. Here are the weapons that you can buy from the shop:

Weapon Wielder Price
Balmung Trials of Mana - DuranDuran 10,920 lucre
Herald Sword 12,048 lucre
Tyrfing 13,816 lucre
Muramasa 15,240 lucre
Mim Rod Trials of Mana - AngelaAngela 10,848 lucre
Druid Staff 11,944 lucre
Ghost Rod 12,040 lucre
Nebula Staff 13,808 lucre
Yggdrasil Rod 15,168 lucre
Clawberus Trials of Mana - KevinKevin 10,936 lucre
Ghost Fist 12,056 lucre
Rock Claw 13,856 lucre
Cressure 15,192 lucre
Scorpion Mace Trials of Mana - CharlotteCharlotte
10,888 lucre
Holy Flail 11,928 lucre
Sibyl Flail 12,064 lucre
Gravity Flail 13,720 lucre
Ultima Flail 15,200 lucre
Dance Dagger Trials of Mana - HawkeyeHawkeye 10,928 lucre
Bishamon 11,984 lucre
Mercury Dirk 13,744 lucre
Taishaku 15,144 lucre
Griffin Lance Trials of Mana - RieszRiesz 10,800 lucre
Staghorn 11,992 lucre
Wolf Fang 11,936 lucre
Maidenleaf 13,848 lucre
Valkyrian 15,152 lucre

Weapon List

Buy New Armors

Trials of Mana Remake - Chapter 5: Shimmering Ruins - Armor Shop

Visit the Josephine if you want to buy new equipment for your characters. The list of equipment for sale will change once you are past halfway in defeating the Benevodons. Here are some armors that you can buy from the shop:

Armor Wielder Price
Plate Armor Trials of Mana - DuranDuran 2,136 lucre
Leonis Armor 7,616 lucre
Knight Vest 9,792 lucre
Studded Helm 1,040 lucre
Horned Helm 5,456 lucre
Silver Sallet 6,872 lucre
Gauntlet 560 lucre
Knight Band 2,720 lucre
Flower Suit Trials of Mana - AngelaAngela 2,072 lucre
Manan Shift 7,744 lucre
Dawn Dress 9,664 lucre
Silver Circlet 5,412 lucre
Snowy Veil 6,888 lucre
Mist Pendant 552 lucre
Chryscirclet 1,072 lucre
Snow Crystal 2,688 lucre
Vestguard Trials of Mana - KevinKevin
2,048 lucre
Amber Attire 8,848 lucre
Indigo Attire 10,304 lucre
Wolfsmane 5,464 lucre
Demon Mask 6,920 lucre
Big Vambrace 544 lucre
Twisted Scarf 1,056 lucre
Fiend Fang 2,704 lucre
Velvet Cape Trials of Mana - CharlotteCharlotte 2,016 lucre
Glimmer Robe 8,600 lucre
Golden Robe 9,296 lucre
Moogle Mask 1,032 lucre
Chobin Cowl 5,400 lucre
Sprite Hood 6,792 lucre
Moon Ring 552 lucre
Moogle Mask 1,032 lucre
Daylight Ring 2,728 lucre
Chain Tunic Trials of Mana - HawkeyeHawkeye 2,032 lucre
Fluorspar Vest 8,640 lucre
Feather Cap 1,024 lucre
Black Hood 6,928 lucre
Bear Galea 5,352 lucre
Black Robe 8,928 lucre
Cobra Earrings 560 lucre
Mist Charm 2,752 lucre
Scale Mail Trials of Mana - RieszRiesz 2,144 lucre
Druid Guard 8,888 lucre
Valkyrie Mail 9,688 lucre
Barbute 1,120 lucre
Horned Crest 5,424 lucre
Chess Helm 6,840 lucre
Aeolian Armlet 560 lucre
Ghallarhorn 2,640 lucre

Armor List

Lightgazer Boss Strategies

Here is a breakdown of the battle strategies against the boss:

Setup your AI Battle Strategy

Target Same Enemy
Tactics Protection is Paramount
Moves Use moves without MP falling to 50%
Class Strikes Do not use Class Strikes
Healing Items Leave at least 5 of each items in stock

Upgrade to Tier 3 Classes Prior Boss Battle

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Special Mana Statue

Once you acquire ??? seeds, return to the Sanctuary of Mana and plant them in the magic pot near the gold mana statue. Check if the class change items are the ones you desire. If they are, visit the special mana statue and change to Tier 3 Classes. If not, we suggest holding it for now until you get the class change items you desire since it takes time to acquire class reset items.

Class Change Guide

Cast Buffs

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Cast Buffs

Cast buffs to yourself and your party members carefully while engaging Lightgazer. These buffs can be in the form of attack increase (Power Up), defense increase (Protect Up), and magic & magic increase (Mind Up). They can be accessed as innate abilities or consumable items.

Cast Debuffs

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Cast Debuffs

Cast multiple debuffs on Lightgazer’s body and eye. Debuffs can be in the form of attack decrease (Power Down), defense decrease (Protect Down), and magic & magic defense decrease (Mind Down). These debuffs can be accessed as innate abilities or consumable items.

Enchant Weapon with Dark Element

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Enchant Dark Element

You can enchant your melee damage dealer with dark element. Elemental weapon enchants can be acquired from Item Seeds or through the Merchant Town Beiser’s Night Market.

Avoid the Trail of Orbs

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Avoid Orbs

Lightgazer plants orbs around the field which eventually detonates and causes Light damage to all affected targets. When closing in for an attack, avoid triggering the traps to approach the boss unscathed.

Unleash Class Strikes

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Use Class Strikes

Capitalize the dark enchant in your weapons and use your hardest-hitting class strikes against the boss. Then, follow up with another class strike from your other party member.

Keep Moving

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Keep Moving

Be on the move at all times to avoid getting hit by Lightgazer’s close range moves such as Body Slam and long range moves such as Lucent Beam.

Keep on Healing and Removing Debuffs

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Heal and Cure and Status Ailments

While trying to avoid the attacks, make sure to secure your party member’s health. Also. keep them away from debuffs, status ailments, and status effects. If you don’t have Charlotte in your team, make sure you have Medicine Herbs, Stardust Herbs, or Marmpoto Oils in your stock.

Use Aerial Attacks and Combos

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Use Aerial Attacks and Combos

If you rant out of MP, deal continuous aerial attacks to combos to the boss instead. This will build up your character’s CS gauge over time in order to finish off the boss. Aim your attacks directly to the eye and body.

Break Blue Vases to Replenish CS Gauges

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Break Blue Vases

Break all blue vases around the area in order to to fill-up your CS gauges and use Class Strikes again.

Target the Cast Bar

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Target the Cast Bar

Lightgazer’s area of effect attack takes time to perform. Use the remaining time to whittle the cast bar and prevent the attack from connecting. Make use of Class Strikes to deplete the cast bar quicker. If you ran out of time, go to the north and south of the area to avoid getting hit.

Use Dark Elemental and Summon Magic

Trials of Mana Remake - Lightgazer - Use Elemental and Summon Magic

If you ran out of CS gauges, make use of elemental or summon magic to damage Lightgazer. If you have Angela in your party, kite the boss from a distance using Dark magic. If you ran out of MP, consume a Faerie Walnut or switch to another party member.

← Chapter 4: Rescue Faerie in Nevarl Fortress Chapter 5: Daria, Gem Valley →

Other Walkthroughs

▼Prologue Chapter Walkthroughs
Duran - Kingdom of Valsena Angela - Kingdom of Altena Kevin - Kingdom of Ferolia
Charlotte - Holy City of Wendel Hawkeye - Nevarl Fortress Riesz - Citadel of Laurent
▼Chapter 1 Walkthroughs
Jadd Stronghold Rabite Forest Lakeside Town Astoria
Rabite Forest Revisited Lakeside Town Astoria Revisited Cascade Cavern
Holy City of Wendel Cascade Cavern Revisited Jadd Stronghold Revisited
Free City of Maia Golden Road Stonesplit Gap
Free City of Maia Revisited Dwarf Village Dwarf Tunnel
Molebear Moors Kingdom of Valsena Merchant Town Beiser
▼Chapter 2 Walkthroughs
Palo Port Heavensway Laurent Secret Base
Finding Koropokkur Village Koropokkur Woods Gusthall
Citadel of Laurent Ghost Ship Beuca Island
Tomato Town Seaside Cavern -
▼Chapter 3 Walkthroughs
 Snow Hamlet Alrant Frostbite Fields Labyrinth of Ice
Desert Capital Sirhtan Burning Sands Oasis of Diin
Fiery Gorge Moonlight Town Mintas Duskmoon Forest
Chartmoon Tower Lampbloom Woods Flowerburg Dior
Lampbloom Woods Revisited - -
▼Chapter 4 Walkthroughs
Oblivisle Celestial Peak Sanctuary of Mana
Rescue Faerie in Altena Rescue Faerie in Ferolia Rescue Faerie in Nevarl Fortress
▼Chapter 5 Walkthroughs
Shimmering Ruins Daria, Gem Valley Gusthall Revisited
Labyrinth of Ice Revisited Fiery Gorge Revisited Chartmoon Tower Revisited
Woods of Wandara Holy City of Wendel Revisited -
▼Chapter 6 Walkthroughs
Ancient Capital Pedda Crystal Desert Dragonsmaw
Jungle of Visions Mirage Palace Night Cavern
Dark Castle Sanctuary of Mana Revisited -

Trials of Mana Remake Recommended Article List

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Walkthroughs Character Guides Boss Guides
Strategy Guides Classes Class Tier List
Best Parties Best Classes Best Equipment

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