Cryo Pod Directory [Mass Effect Andromeda]

This is a Mass Effect Andromeda directory. Here you will find details on Cryo Pod upgrades.

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Cryo Pod Guide 

Accomplishing missions in Andromeda unlocks Cryo Pods. Unlocking Cryo Pods provide certain benefits for your pathfinder. These are unlocked by gaining Andromeda Viability Points. Gain enough AVP and you’ll eventually level up your Nexus, which gives you Cryo Pod Points.

Unlockable Pods

Science Pods

cryo podMilitary Pods Cryo podCommerce Pods
Selected for their years of field experience and ingenuity under pressure, these scientists’ expertise can quickly improve the Initiative’s research and resource-gathering capabilities. Military veterans from across the Milky Way have brought their expertise to Andromeda, including advanced combat training and wilderness survival skills. Trade is the lifeblood of civilization. These talented merchants and entrepreneurs can use their connections to acquire rare items, grow financial investments, or improve inventory management.

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