What is Alomomola?
Alomomola is a Water-type Pokemon with high HP and endurance. It does not evolve.
Where do you find Alomomola?
You can catch Alomomola in the Brooklet Hill fishing spot on Akala Island. Since this Pokemon is very rare, its appearance rate is quite low. You’ll need to look for it persistently.
However, look for places in the water that have a lot of bubbles. Alomomola has a higher rate of appearing in these areas, making it easier to catch.
Rare Pokemon Location List
Rare Pokemon Name | ||
Pichu - Pikachu | Mimikyu | Bagon |
Buneary | Zorua | Furfrou |
Hawlucha | Corsola | Clamperl |
Eevee | Tauros | Miltank |
Alomomola | Feebas | Staryu |
Kangaskhan | Magby | Cubone |
Chinchou - Lanturn | Pinsir | Passimian |
Oranguru | Larvitar | Skarmory |
Ditto | Minior | Beldum |
Elekid | Houndoom | Manectric |
Bruxish | Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Sandshrew |
Klefki | Pawniard - Bisharp | Dedenne |
Togedemaru | Tortunator | Trapinch |
Gabite | Dhelmise | Gastrodon |
Lapras | Carvanha | Relicanth |
Jangmo-o | Corphish | Drampa |
Sableye | Abra | Basculin |
Castform | Vanillite |
What fishing spots in brooklet hill?