Trials of Mana Remake - Hawkeye Character Information

Character information for Hawkeye in Trials of Mana Remake. Included are the character's description, stats, weapons, bio, and exclusive classes.

Trials of Mana - Hawkeye Character Information


Trials of Mana - Hawkeye Hawkeye hails from the desert fortress of Nevarl, home to a guild of noble thieves. He was raised as the orphaned ward of Flamekhan, the leader, together with Flamekhan’s own children, Eagle and Jessica. Hawkeye comes across as a laid-back and charming young man, making it hard to tell when he’s being serious. But at his core, Hawkeye is a fiercely loyal friend. Nothing gets past his honed senses and quick wit.


Name Hawkeye
Starting Class Thief
Weapon Knives
Starting Location Nevarl
Story Partner Riesz
Enemy Belladonna

Base Stats

Strength Stamina Intellect Spirit Luck

Hawkeye Classes

Below are different classes exclusive to Hawkeye in Trial of Mana. Classes are organized per character, progression path, and tier.

Hawkeye Tier 1 Class

Tier 1 classes are starting classes already acquired by the character at the start game.

Look Class Item Locked Abilities Class Strikes Description
Trials of Mana - Thief Class Thief None
  • None
  • Poison Dagger: A damaging two-handed knife attack slices enemies
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye

Hawkeye Tier 2 Classes

Tier 2 classes are the early-to-mid game classes accessible to the character once he reached level 18.

Look Class Item Locked Abilities Class Strikes Description
Trials of Mana - Ranger Class Ranger None
  • Item Master: 10% chance of keeping the item when using an item in battle
  • Swallow Throw: Throw innumerable knives to damage enemies in the area of attack
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • For Light Path
Trials of Mana - Ninja Class Ninja None
  • Focus: Magic attack incrase by 10% when HP at 100% in battle
  • Shadow Slash: Create a copy and slash at the enemy three times per swing
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • For Dark Path

Hawkeye Tier 3 Classes

Tier 3 classes are the mid-to-end game classes accessible to the character once he reached level 38.

Look Class Item Locked Abilities Class Strikes Description
Trials of Mana - Nomad Class Nomad Lucky Dice
  • Voltage: Adds a random status increase to all allies at the start of battle
  • Dance of Roses: Distract the enemy with a rose before attacking with a dagger
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • For Light/Light Path
Trials of Mana - Rogue Class Rogue Destiny Dice
  • Plunder: 20% chance of acquiring twice the amount of an item when item is obtained
  • Slash Fury: Daggers slice the enemy repeatedly with impossible speed
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • For Light/Dark Path
Trials of Mana - Ninja Master Class Ninja Master Precise Dice
  • Life and Death: Attack and magic attack increase by 10% for 30 sec. With each class strike (effect cannot overlap)
  • Shadow Menace: Disorient the enemy in darkness and bombard them with explosive damage
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • For Dark/Light Path
Trials of Mana - Nightblade Class Nightblade Dusk Dice
  • Cutthroat: 10% chance of destroying enemy instantly when attacking enemy with status effect
  • Split Slash: Create a copy and damage multiple enemies in the area at the same time
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • For Dark/Dark Path

Hawkeye Tier 4 Classes

Tier 4 classes are  post-game classes accessible to the character once you finished the game’s main story. Head to the Valsena Royal Library and start the post-game episode. Both Light and Dark classes will be available for you to choose.

How to Unlock Tier 4 Classes

Look Class Item Locked Abilities Class Strikes Description
Trials of Mana - Wardenkeep Class Wardenkeep Loyal Sphere
  • About Face: Stat decrease effect swapped for stat increase.
  • Petal Crossfire: Strike after strike of thrown hidden weapons deal massive damage to enemy.
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • Already unlocked a Tier 3 class
  • Defeat Mimic Queen
  • Open to all paths
Trials of Mana - Vigilante Class Vigilante Loyal Sphere
  • Dark Zone: All enemies’ attack decreased at start of battle.
  • Shackle Sting: Special chains bind the enemy and a spiritual dagger deals massive damage.
  • Exclusive to Hawkeye
  • Already unlocked a Tier 3 class
  • Defeat Mimic Queen
  • Open to all paths

Other Characters

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