Trials of Mana Remake - Sorceress Class

Sorceress class information for Angela in Trials of Mana Remake. Included are an overview of the class, stats, class change requirements, techniques, spells, locked abilities, class strikes.

Trials of Mana - Warrior Class Guide


Trials of Mana - Sorceress Class

One of Angela’s tier 2 classes. The Sorceress expands on the Magician’s already extensive spell options. While these new tools are certainly a welcome addition to Angela, they can’t hit many enemies at once, thus forcing her to rely on single target spells for the remainder of the class’ phase.


Class Sorceress
Character Angela
Type Light
Tier 2
Weapons Wands
Bio (Role) Ranged magic and mass-targeting spells

Stat Bonuses


After promoting to the Sorceress, Angela earns extra points to endurance which give her enough bulk to withstand an enemy’s hit.

Class Change Requirement

Must be level 18.

Skills and Abilities

Name Effect Requirement
Fire Ball Deal fire magic damage. 9 STR
Absorb II Recover 2 MP when hit with a heavy attack. 12 STR
Strength +5 Increase attack power by 5. 15 STR
Fireball+ Deal fire magic damage in a wide area. 15 STR
Explode Deal fire magic damage. 15 STR
Diamond Missile+ Deal earth magic damage in a wide area. (5 MP): 100 Power 9 STA
Earthquake Deal earth magic damage. (9 MP): 200 Power 9 STA
Spell Field Reduces incoming damage by 20% when casting. 12 STA
Stamina +5 Increase defense by 5. 15 STA
Intelligence +5 Increase intelligence by 5. 9 INT
Spike Freeze Deal ice magic damage. (5 MP): 100 Power 9 INT
Evil Gate Deal dark magic damage. (5 MP): 100 Power 9 INT
Element Combo Increases damage dealt by 5% each time you continue to use magic of the same attribute (damage increase up to 30%). 12 INT
Intelligence +5 Increase intelligence by 5. 15 INT
Spike Freeze+ Deal ice magic damage to a wide area. (5 MP): 100 Power 15 INT
Evil Gate+ Deal dark magic damage to a wide area. (5 MP): 100 Power 15 INT
MP +5 Increase MP by 5. 9 SPRT
Holy Bolt+ Deal light magic damage to a wide area. (5 MP): 100 Power 9 SPRT
Lucent Beam Deal light magic damage. (12 MP): 250 Power 9 SPRT
Special Skill MP Save Reduces special skill MP consumption by 30% during battle. 12 SPRT
Spirit +5 Increase spirit by 5. 15 SPRT
Blessing 20% chance to reduce MP consumption of special skills to 0 during battle. 9 LUCK
Air Blast+ Deal wind magic damage to wide area. (5 MP): 100 Power 12 LUCK
Thunder Storm Deal wind magic damage. (8 MP): 176 Power 12 LUCK
Luck +5 Increase luck by 5. 15 LUCK

Locked Abilities

Name Effect
Magic Burst Damage from magic increase by 15% when MP at 100%.

Class Strikes

Name Effect
Love Typhoon Magical hear appears and explodes, dealing damage to the enemy.

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